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Everything posted by jetdriver

  1. I used UVU to complete my 4-year degree. Working full time as an airline pilot and part time in the guard and pulling a full student course load left few options for a traditional brick-and-mortar school. It is definitely recognized by the Air Force as it is a fully accredited university. It is a real school. Some people might give you crap about attending an online school.. don't listen. For those of us who work for a living, options are limited. It doesn't matter where you get your degree as long as it is accredited, and if you are like me, having daddy pay for college isn't always an option. That being said...If you are wanting to go down the Air Force pilot route, I would suggest enlisting in a guard unit if you haven't already. Doing so will give you access to discounted rates for in state public schools. Instead of paying for all your ratings like I did (70K at ATP flight school), just get your private and maybe instrument. Like theat6bisasham said, let the government pay for your flight training. Meanwhile, you get the benefit of earning rapport with the pilots and when you finish your degree and meet the board, you should be golden.
  2. #41, I was told by my squadron's training manager that all of the OTS/AMS class dates are filled. The next set of class dates will drop in August.
  3. Picked up by Birmingham to fly the KC-135. Good luck to everyone on here.
  4. 106 ARS? Interview is this saturday.
  5. Has anyone heard from the 119 FS?
  6. Looks like I am heading up to Madison for the in-person interview. Anyone else get the interview?
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