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Everything posted by DeltaTango

  1. You are fairly behind...The process does not take that long. I was Reserve and hired in Nov 2015 to the Gaurd...although i didnt "palace chase" which is the process you might have to go through, I am graduating OTS in a week. The MFS appointment can be made through your active unit potentially...but definitely start calling around and asking questions. The process can stall easily if you dont stay on top of it.
  2. Your medical gets approved/denied by AETC SG, the process from the end of the FC1 and approval/denial should be about two weeks. Four weeks post appointment at wright patt should be plenty sufficient. The packet may be located in PEPP (the medical unit has access), I am prior enlisted, so im a little different. The recruiter should build your packet for approval at NGB. I was in contact with my recruiter and made sure to check on the status every two weeks to make sure things were moving. The flying class medical isnt needed for NGB packet to be sent/approved, but a commissioning physical is. You need a FC1 approved before attending UPT, but not to get dates. Hopefully i helped a little.
  3. I am ANG, I spoke to my hiring guy at the unit im heading to after UPT (going to OTS AUG) and apparently there are discussions at NGB regarding this memo. They may look at manning at a unit level and determine if something similar to this (if not identical) will be implemented. I was told it is very possible that something similar (if not identical) to this memo will be in effect post graduation. As of yet, no official documents I have signed. I will be visiting the unit soon and will check in.
  4. Some updates... Air National Guard Hired Nov 2015 FC1 completed at local installation March 2016 Enlisted into unit April 2016 MFS only appointment (Wright Patt) May 2016 Packet submitted to NGB: July 1 2016 Packet approved NGB: July 14 2016 TFOT Dates received: July 16 2016 TFOT Date: 30 August 2016 UPT Date: 20 December 2016
  5. Some updates... Air National Guard Hired Nov 2015 FC1 completed at local installation March 2016 Enlisted into unit April 2016 MFS only appointment (Wright Patt) May 2016 Packet submitted to NGB: July 1 2016 Packet approved NGB: July 14 2016 TFOT Dates received: Waiting.. TFOT Date: Waiting.. UPT Date: Waiting..
  6. Called AFPC, all time as enlisted counts towards the requirement for O-1E, and she stated OTS/TFOT is included. She only mentioned that it would be a good idea to include a note to include the current years points in the point summary, all the way up to day prior to commission. She also verified for guard reserve is is 1460 points towards RETIREMENT. So got the answer, now others do too.
  7. So, looks like I have 1390 pts toward the 1460 points needed for O-1E. I have a few more drills and annual tour to get me over 1400, but my question is will I be able to hit that magic 1460 during OTS? I can't seem to find the regulation, but since you are enlisted during TFOT, I imagine the regulation stating 1460 points of prior enlisted service would include TFOT. Just trying to see if I should try and pick up extra orders before I go , or if il be covered.
  8. hm, maybe it is unit specific, but for me I just need my TS initiated to submit the package for dates. Also ANG, but on 130s
  9. Some updates... Air National Guard Hired Nov 2015 FC1 completed at local installation March 2016 Enlisted into unit April 2016 MFS only appointment (Wright Patt) May 2016 Packet submitted to ANG Bureau June 2016 TFOT Dates received: Waiting.. TFOT Date: Waiting.. UPT Date: Waiting..
  10. Im scheduled for a Commissioning Physical DEC 05 with the Air Force Res (current enlisted) and should get an FC1 date shortly after...I got hired into the Guard NOV 2015, but im utilizing the ability to request physicals through the res to hopefully speed up the process. Il update accordingly.
  11. Got it... I think I am confused, as a reservist applying to the active rated board I believe in applying to the OTS board which is slightly different. I am also currently enlisted, not an officer. All these acronyms still blow my mind after 7 years of service..thanks for the help.
  12. already started, have an interview tomorrow with an officer at MEPS, and have my conditional release signed..Just need a MEPS medical and im good to go for paperwork.
  13. Excuse my ignorance, what is a "#1 or 2 strat" ? I am planning on applying to this board and assuming strat means letter of recommendation (like I said, ignorant) would a current 2 Star generals Letter be a sufficient replacement if I do not have a letter from my current sq commander? I could possibly get one from my sq CC , but it is somewhat short notice, and I am currently a drilling reservist so the application process is a little weird.
  14. Isn't that a true statement! Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  15. Well the first sentence is a question.. So im not sure what else you are looking for..I could add extra question marks if that helps?????
  16. From what I know you will apply to a flying board which includes CSO, and RPA along with Pilot. If you get your PPL you can apply for only Pilot if you so choose (from my understanding) Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  17. If I apply to this board, but I graduate in December , will they still accept my package for selection? I was told packages are due 23 NOV, and my grad date is 20th DEC. Looking to go active duty pilot slot if the unit I'm interviewing with doesn't hire me in a few weeks. Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  18. Any chance you are in California? I might have that contact..
  19. Yeah, well the bonus for you is I'm guessing you are non prior, and I think MEPS can work faster than AFRC (I'm in the reserves, know this game all too well.) You would have to verify, but meps may be able to not only examine you, but provide authorization. I tried getting the recruiter to send me to meps, but he said he doesn't send reservists. Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  20. Thanks for the uplifting comment! I'd have to agree with you. Bonus is I talked to an ANG unit whom I may have an interview with next month and they said if I complete the physical for unsponsored at wright patt it makes it a lot easier to hire me.. So here's to hoping I can get something done before that board! If not..oh well! "You are still young, plenty of time" is what people tell me daily . [emoji3] [emoji16] [emoji17] [emoji20] [emoji21] Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  21. Getting the MTF to do the process. They said they can do it. Only problem is AFRC/SG has a backup of 36 days apparently, so il still miss the board . thanks for all the help! Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  22. Understood. They just told me that they ARE doing this CPM , however I never gave them a 2807-2 or had a 422 created. I think they are confused and not following this AFI. I'm going to try and approach is as nice as possible. Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  23. Got it. So I have a PHA from January, should I get my UDM tto schedule me for a worldwide PHA next week? He said he would, and I just filled out the 2807-2 and downloaded my 422. This would be sufficient for the board? And what do I tell the RMU? Is there an AFI I can reference in case they say that what you are referencing is not familiar to them? Finally, would the next step be to submit my package, with no "initial commissioning physical" as this paperwork and PHA are sufficient? Sorry for all the questions, I'm very excited that someone knowledgeable such as yourself is so willing to share info, and I hope this thread helps many other applicants in the future. Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  24. Reserve medical unit? Maybe.. Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
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