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  1. When I was at OTS about a year ago, there were prior service members who received an age waiver. There were no non-priors with an age waiver. So it is possible to get an age waiver theoretically, but it seems like it is more likely for prior service members. It would probably be good to look into the level at which the waiver is given (Wing level, NGB/AFRC level) and maybe query the waiver source for better information.
  2. I just want to second that following motox3005's advice is the best route. I also went through something similar.
  3. ewokpoacher, thanks for the information. Is he in charge of Rated Management? I am a non-rated select, but I just asked my recruiter and he said he would reach out to a colonel to find out how the rated selectees get seats. Apparently wing education and training only handles BOT, but not AMS/BOT.
  4. Do any USAFR members know the correct POC for getting a seat for AMS15-04/BOT1508-B? My Wing Education and Training says it does not need to go through their office so I need to figure out how to obtain a seat.
  5. Non-priors who got selected and AMS dates, has your unit or recruiter told you that you are going to be issued uniforms or the uniform allowance?
  6. Cameltactics, I assume since you only mentioned UPT that you are already an officer. Did you hear what kind of class dates they are giving out for OTS?
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