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Everything posted by arg

  1. How about this one
  2. Interesting, she stopped, then ran. Note at about 3:35 the cop gives the standard "stop resisting" statement.
  3. Chang said you can easily perform you RPA duties in blues.
  4. You can feel the winds in this video https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1AjxJR8GTS/ Someone teach this boomer how to embed
  5. I think it will be very different.
  6. Steve Martin said many years ago "Comedy ain't fuckin pretty" Looks like that meme is going to fail anyway. Biden's pledging 100% to the poor rich celebrities. Lets see how this differs from the other disasters that affected the common folk. CH posted about a meme where CA is turning red. That area was rock solid blue. Lets see what happens there. Thread hijack off.
  7. arg

    Gun Talk

    Tried to find one with babes in it.
  8. Double dibs Possible AI
  9. Can't let it go to page two
  10. Sorry about the FB link The bell is a nice touch. Ding ding we have a baby https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=embed_video&v=2301132983585475
  11. arg

    Gun Talk

    Cabellas safe?
  12. arg

    Gun Talk

  13. It's moved overseas
  14. Ran across this video, stupid title, no SEALs involved. Second part of it peaked my interest because Santa Rosa County FL. I lived there just shy of thirty years. When I first moved there about four older Deputies patrolled the south end of the county, which is where this happened. Very low crime rate. The population exploded in the 90s. The Sheriff at the time hired a bunch of young Deputies. The crime rate/arrests sky rocketed, DUI arrests went up over 100%. Wonder why that happened. Deputies involved were disciplined https://weartv.com/news/local/breaking-down-the-viral-santa-rosa-county-traffic-stop-video Good cop/bad cop sidebar here. When you watch these videos and see several cops standing around doing nothing what are they? https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/shocking-footage-shows-handcuffed-inmate-died-after-prison/story?id=117150189 Couple of what I consider good ones.
  15. Thought this was the Babylon Bee.
  16. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of these videos around. My ex had a case dropped when dash cam showed a completely different story than the cop wrote up. I don't necessarily believe in "defunding" cops but I do believe in reform.
  17. Thanks for the replies fellas.
  18. Question for the airline bubbas. My daughter is going to Viet Nam for a visit. That's cool, I feel better about that than when she went to Brazil and canoed the Amazon. Her route is Delta to Seoul, Korean Air to Da Nang. I asked her to find a different airline than Korean. This concern is not because of the recent Korean Air incident, they have a long history. Am I worrying too much? Should I be more concerned about Delta? Can any Delta bros upgrade her to first class?
  19. After a couple of "random" tests I asked the shirt about it. He said they try to pick the ones they think will pass.
  20. Same stuff happened in the 80s. A Navy lab in FL that the AF was sending samples to.
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