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Everything posted by arg

  1. Back in the news https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/10/us/martha-mcsally-assault-suspect-arrested/index.html
  2. pumping a lot of exhaust into the tunnels would be effective
  3. I don't know what that zipper is made out of but if they built airplanes out of that same materiel they would be indestructible
  4. Shrooms! https://www.kgw.com/amp/article/news/local/alaska-airlines-pilot-arrest-joseph-emerson-psychedelic-mushrooms/283-5d9c6df6-09c1-4f99-899b-825c3d072312
  5. I think Ayn Rand may have said it
  6. This is getting almost as good as listening to gunship pilots argue about how to fly an orbit.
  7. https://vidmax.com/video/223344-small-plane-crashes-in-a-georgia-ghetto-people-make-the-tragedy-worse
  8. Remember listening to this at Osan back in the day
  9. Yep, too bad we haven't been able to take the gloves off since WWII, maybe Korea?
  10. Democrats will try to demosplain why you’re wrong Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  11. The good news is they can use the stuff left over from when Trump started building it......Oh wait
  12. Speaking of border crisis. I guess all of a sudden we need a wall.
  13. As I got older, when some shoe clerk said that, I would ask "How far back does your always go? Because mine goes back pretty far"
  14. Thought that was the gate at Osan at midnight
  15. "I ejected" "Were you wearing a condom?"
  16. The Clintons want to get themselves some of that money. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bill-clinton-global-foundation-pandemic-ukraine-russia-war https://thehill.com/policy/international/4209624-clinton-global-initiative-launching-network-to-provide-humanitarian-aid-to-ukrainians/
  17. Injured Grand Canyon hiker, 63, saved after friends abandoned him to continue backpacking https://www.foxnews.com/us/injured-grand-canyon-hiker-63-saved-friends-abandoned-him-continue-backpacking
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