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Everything posted by arg

  1. There is a certain Baptist church in these here parts where the preacher has a gun under his bible during the sermon. Open carry is welcome and has been for several years.
  2. Read the Flight Characteristics section in the J-1. Plane did just what it said.
  3. I said Oops
  4. Can't paste for some reason. Google Capt. Leon Brown IV of Minot Oops, I guess this happened in 2012
  5. That's how it is at ABQ. You could've flown Herks for 15 years and when you go through they are going to (re)teach you how the gear goes up and down.
  6. arg

    Gun Talk

    Thought this was pretty cool. My son is a High school Junior and his class is holding a raffle. The prize? A rifle and scope, 308 Cal. How many schools nowadays would let the kids raffle off a gun? Me thinks not too many.
  7. Any MC-H/J drops? They are also a cool flying gig and more options for assignments.
  8. If you don't learn to spell Hurlburt you will be sent to Cannon.
  9. I know how it feels Spoo, KHRT to LIPA. However, we did it in an H at 10,000 ft, 1010 and 215 it took forever!
  10. 21 years and 6500 hours, never emtied my bucket of luck. Consider myself very fortunate. :beer: to Willis Hawkins and the awesome folks I had the privilege of flying with on the Herk.
  11. New reports indicate he was above the wheel well. If so he had to be skinny to get up there.
  12. I guess I lobbed that one a little high. Let's just hope this one doesn't take even half as long as the U model did.
  13. It's officially an AFSOC asset now. The rims are painted black.
  14. I wonder who the guy was that decided we needed that flap on the sleeve pocket and knows what he created.
  15. Off topic but they can shitcan that whole ing shebang. AFSOC, Mil. and GS types, have transformed a fairly efficient training organization into a giant self-licking ice cream cone. No way you need that many stars to do the job. But hey, more jobs for Generals right? Weeks standing orders were to make training more efficient. OK, step one, more jobs for FGOs and GOs, riiight. I showed up at Hurbie in Janurary and was flying by myself in March. And you know what, the job I was doing is almost exactly the same as it is today. How did we do that?
  16. I know Spoo, it is fascinating, but people actually did call it jogging in the 80s.
  17. It's a plan to get rid of all pilots in key positions at AFSOC and it's almost complete. I also wonder why they named the training section the Air Warfare Center. Makes them feel more warlike maybe?
  18. Back in the 80s an 8th SOS pilot didn't show up for work after his leave was over. Thought to be AWOL. Turned out he had been jogging , on Lewis Turner for those of you familiar, at night with no ID and was hit by a car. Someone in the 8th put two and two together and thought they should go check out the unidentified male that had been in the hospital, unconscious, for a few days. He remembered reading it in the paper but didn't think anything of it. So they head over to FWB hospital and it was him. Not the case here but I think of this story whenever I hear about a missing/AWOL person.
  19. My how things change. In the old Talon you could couple the autopilot to the TF/TA radar. Nobody that I know of ever trusted it. Never seen it used. Don't know if the 111 guys used theirs much or not.
  20. I guess it's the German chicks until it comes back.
  21. 5,000 hours in those those whistlin' shithouses, Loved/Hated every minute of it. The sounds, the smells, the vibrations, the feelings of boredom coupled with exitement(yes, tingly too) I need a beer to wash down the lump in my throat
  22. The real problem stems from all the air refueling capable airplanes we built.
  23. Like a flu shot.
  24. I'm not scoffing, I posted earlier that I'm pro FE, but you wont find a post, or statement from me anywhere saying an airplane designed without an FE or Nav should have one. I point out mistakes that were made on both sides. So it's not about FEs being removed, they were never there to begin with. Shit happens with and without FEs and Navs.
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