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Everything posted by arg

  1. arg

    Gun Talk

    BX with gun magazines behind the "Adult reading" blockers they have a the news stand. Trying to confirm the location. Anyone been to HRT BX lately?
  2. arg

    Gun Talk

    I never get tired of watching that shroud vid There was a Guard unit in LA after Katrina that agreed amongst themselves they would not confiscate any guns. Looking on youtube for video..... One Sheriff in NM is in. We will see how it goes IF the "gun grab" happens. https://www.pntonline.com/news/sheriffsayshewonu2019tenforceproposedgunban.html Roosevelt County Sheriff Darren Hooker says he swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution, not the federal government. So if a federal ban on assault rifles was to become a federal law, he’s made it clear it wouldn’t be enforced in the county. “The sheriffs don’t enforce federal law, and therefore I wouldn’t have to worry about it,” Hooker said. “It’s a federal law and I don’t have to.” Hooker joins sheriffs across the nation in opposition against the possibility of an assault rifle ban, after President Barack Obama proposed bans on military style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines earlier this week in his efforts to reduce gun violence in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school massacre last month. No official ban has been signed into law, but New Mexico is among states where Republican legislators want to ban enforcement of federal gun laws, according to the Associated Press. Hooker reminds people that his oath is to the state of New Mexico and to the Constitution. “I believe the Second Amendment outlines the fact that we have the right to bear arms,” Hooker said. “It doesn’t say what kind, what shape, what size, what caliber. I feel as though bad people with the intention of doing harm will get weapons and the laws that may or may not be made will only infringe on the good people.” But Hooker’s colleague at the city feels differently about average residents having access to assault rifles. Portales Police Chief Doug Jones says he too stands behind the Second Amendment but uses more specifications than Hooker. “I don’t oppose the second amendment to the Constitution, it’s an amendment given to the citizens,” Jones said. “I have a problem with assault weapons.” Jones feels strongly that law abiding citizens should be allowed to own a gun but they have no need for assault weapons. “I don’t have a problem with someone owning a personal hand gun or hunting rifle,” Jones said. “I don’t think there’s a useful purpose for the average citizen to own an assault weapon with the large round capacity capabilities. Look at the name of the weapon, ‘assault’ weapons.” Jones says specific groups such as military and law enforcement officials have assault weapons for legitimate purposes but when those same weapons are placed in the wrong hands, it can have dire consequences. “If you look at the history of incidents like Newtown when these assault weapons were used, that’s what happens when individuals that have adverse ideas use them, then there’s multiple casualties,” Jones said. “If there’s a ban, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. As a law enforcement officer, I’ve been sworn to uphold the laws of the City of Portales, the state of New Mexico and the U.S. and that’s what I’m going to do.” Clovis Police Chief Steve Sanders says his personal opinion on the issue doesn’t matter. “I don’t really have a stance,” Sanders said. “We will hold whatever laws that are actually enacted. We don’t have a whole lot to do with it, it’s up to the federal government to take care of it.” Sanders understands there could be a potential ban on the purchase of assault weapons and he’s prepared to deal with what may or may not come next. “We’ll do whatever is required by us by law,” Sanders said.
  3. It's just the "Sport of Kings" , nothing to fret over.
  4. arg

    C-130 help

    Well played
  5. Ft Benning used to have a great program. Part of it is in AL and you could hunt either side of the river. Edit to add that there used to be a decent campground on the AL side, Uchee creek was the name of it. They would rent campers and put them on the spot for you. Could walk to bow hunt, gun was a little further away.
  6. And I bet your eng couldn't buy a beer that night could he?
  7. Did I say that?
  8. Funny how things evolve, Clovis has more "hallmarks of confortable, modern Western civilization" now than FWB/Destin did when I was first stationed at Field 9. I remember taking a couple of 5gal. buckets and a dip net to crab island and catching crabs(not the kind you can catch now, the Doc will give you cream for them) for a crab boil that afternoon.
  9. KRT BX parking lot. Some chick with a med badge saluted two LM Contract Insructors because she "thought they were Thunderbird pilots." How she mistook two old fat bastards for Thunderbird pilots is beyond me.
  10. What was painted on the bottom of FRED?
  11. Looks like two people at top left of the pic are checking it out.
  12. Well, you are a lot older now.
  13. Yall are overreacting.
  14. arg

    Shoe Clerk Vol 3

    You might want to back off. Dude has four, count em, four Commendation medals.
  15. In the Herk world the Lineup checklist itself was an "Additional safeguard" that was "created and implemented" because guys were forgeting steps on the Before take off checklist.
  16. He wanted to be able to tell guys at the VFW that he bailed out over Berlin.
  17. Should be labeled NSFHE (Not Safe For Human Eyes)
  18. I would hope that any O worth his/her salt after witnessing said event would say “Chief Master Sergeant(don’t call him Chief, and you can‘t address them as Sergeant anymore) remf, a moment of your time”. Notice the lack of question mark at the end of that. Then begin quizzing/schooling him on planes, mission, ect. as stated above. PS; An added win here is think of the respect that Airman would have for the Officer corps after that.
  19. My hair started parting itself down the middle before I retired.
  20. While we’re at it can we shoot the assholes that bring the viruses?
  21. There's still Giffs sub shop on Eglin parkway.
  22. Probably the same safety jackass that dropped the speed limit on the perimiter road from 45 to 35. If you see someone in an old dually doing 20mph it's me being extra safe. I slow down to 5 when I get on main base.
  23. CH may, or may not, have heard my sig a time or two.
  24. The EP puts on his Santa hat and gives him a "do over" and he still screws it up. Based on this info only I don't see it as a Q-3. If he got the plane(sim)stopped without hurting anybody or breaking anything but forgot the checklist. Q-2. He did do the bold face correctly, right?
  25. So you aint learned to slow down behind one of those? Are you a 16 driver?
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