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Everything posted by arg

  1. CH may, or may not, have heard my sig a time or two.
  2. The EP puts on his Santa hat and gives him a "do over" and he still screws it up. Based on this info only I don't see it as a Q-3. If he got the plane(sim)stopped without hurting anybody or breaking anything but forgot the checklist. Q-2. He did do the bold face correctly, right?
  3. So you aint learned to slow down behind one of those? Are you a 16 driver?
  4. Crestview!!! REPRESENT!!!!
  5. Too bad, when I read the title I was thinking it was one of these.
  6. There are some that thankfuly resist the urge to drink (E's AND O's)they are too few and far between though.
  7. I googled his name and read his bio. Ranger Training at Benning Bronze Star with Valor Purple Heart Seems odd for a shoe
  8. I remember when (just prior to AFSOC being born) Mx/Ops in the same squadron and in debrief a conversation came up about whether or not it was an Ops/Mx late take off. I asked “what does it matter?” “We still have to keep track of that”. MK, if I remember right there were a string of positive tests in the late 80s from bases in FL. Come to find out it was cross contamination at the test site. All, QA is no different than StanEval. You got your good ones and bad ones. Remember the old saying. “If he cant fly make him an instructor, if he can’t instruct, make him an evaluator” There is a grain of truth on both sides here.
  9. I'm wondering what was said in the crew beief.
  10. Ask an FE to show you the definition of TERRAIN FOLLOWING (TF) in his 101. That what we were doing in the 80s. It was logged on the 151 as TF. Look at the definition of CONTOUR FLYING(CF). Not what we were doing. Next, look at the definition of modified contours, oh wait, there's not one. Some MAC puke coined that catch phrase in the 80s and it got into the books. BTW, those definitions have not changed in 30+ years (LJ, I think that older than your airplane). MACregs and AFIs have. Not pointing at anybody in particular but its funny how some people think they're "old heads" and know how it’s “always been done”.
  11. Terrain Following is WHAT you'r doing with the airplane. The radar is HOW you'r doing it. See the difference?
  12. I got a T.O. to back up my statement watchyoo got?
  13. 2 The copilot can do all that. Its the Jay model after all isnt it? You dont need any more crewmembers. And I can say you are wrong. Do you think you need a radar to do TF? We did practice threat pens.I was in Gunships when we were serious about LL. Before the GSOLL term came about. The FE was responsible for that up untill the late 70s. The IO would do it after that. Perfect for the Jay model AC and EC are IMO good missions for the Jay model. But, lets see how the gun vibes affect the fragile stuff in the Jay.
  14. Fixed
  15. "Ready, Fire, Aim" has been AFSOC's process for DS.
  16. You e-kicked me in the junk and I kicked you back. Were even.
  17. You sound like the kind of guy that thinks he’s a better pilot just because you fly a fancy new airplane.
  18. Real'er men shoot these Simple, quiet, effective.
  19. Rambo jokes aside in this day and age you can’t be too careful. Especially dealing with gAyETC. I would NOT call the SPs first. I would call the Rod and Gun club. Archery might not be their bag but they should be able to point you in the right direction to do some research. Research all the way down to who you got your quarters from, i.e. anything on the paperwork you signed restricting archery equipment? Billeting should have their stuff in the office for you to read. When you do your research, make copies of all the regs and keep them with your archery stuff. That way if your busted on some little sup you didn’t find it shows you were trying to do the right thing. Only thing I can think of that might bite you would be a broadhead or other type of actual hunting tip. What kind of bow you got?
  20. Quote from the link; "They set a record for the largest C-130 airdrop effort, ever, from our base…dropping over 420,000 pounds of food, water, ammunition and gas to forward operating bases in Afghanistan." I always wonder about statements like this. Would like to know what the definitions of “airdrop effort“, “ever,” and “from this base,” are, in reference to this record.
  21. Yes it has cables and pulleys like the old models, BUT! The big problem is those cables and pulleys will break and fly apart causing an epic crash and burn because the Jay doesn’t have an Engineer or Navigator to tell the Aircraft Commander what to do so they can accomplish the mission in a safe, timely, and most importantly, stylish manner. Good luck on your paper.
  22. And people wonder why the wings didn’t last as long as expected.
  23. One time when the stewardess said "Sir, I'm sorry but we're out of chicken, all we have left is fish.
  24. Go back a few posts, it was less than an hour.
  25. A C-5??? Someone must have been holding a gun on the engineers. Or they told them they would get five days in Hickalooloo.
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