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Everything posted by arg

  1. The good news is they can use the stuff left over from when Trump started building it......Oh wait
  2. Speaking of border crisis. I guess all of a sudden we need a wall.
  3. As I got older, when some shoe clerk said that, I would ask "How far back does your always go? Because mine goes back pretty far"
  4. Thought that was the gate at Osan at midnight
  5. "I ejected" "Were you wearing a condom?"
  6. The Clintons want to get themselves some of that money. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bill-clinton-global-foundation-pandemic-ukraine-russia-war https://thehill.com/policy/international/4209624-clinton-global-initiative-launching-network-to-provide-humanitarian-aid-to-ukrainians/
  7. Injured Grand Canyon hiker, 63, saved after friends abandoned him to continue backpacking https://www.foxnews.com/us/injured-grand-canyon-hiker-63-saved-friends-abandoned-him-continue-backpacking
  8. I watch a few different ones. Direct D has some good ones. I watch some from the cops side too.
  9. Am I a bad citizen watching these cops get schooled
  10. If I'm picking up what you're putting down.....Not going for that kind of diversity
  11. Because diversity
  12. M2 sure loves German chicks in dirndls. Me too
  13. https://worldstar.com/videos/wshhA4IEVp9bQQ0NNKZy/humanity-is-cold-its-every-man-for-themselves-in-hawaii-right-now-they-drove-right-past-this-woman-and-left-her-for-dead-just-go
  14. Those are calf hutches for a Dairy
  15. I'm trying to remember how many people that threatened Trump were raided and killed. Google didn't remember any either.
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