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  1. Maybe the AF is trying to pick up some of these guys that they sent to non-fighters during the whole "no A-10s (they are getting retired) No vipers (the D models are broken), few fighters because the B courses are all very backed up" phase. And by the way we (the AF) are already in a shortage but lets only look right now and not at tomorrow when the shortage is bigger and the trained T-38 guys straight out of UPT elsewhere. (see 15-01 to 15-03 at all UPT bases and ENJJPT)
  2. Ah ok. Thanks for the info.
  3. Oddly enough there has been no word of any of this for me, a heavy driver in ACC. Heard about it from a MAF buddy. Can't find anything on MYPERS either. Had to come here for any info.
  4. XL 15-01 drop T-38 F-15E T-38 FAIP HC-130J DM F-7 (intl) A Jet (intl) T-1 C-17 Hickam C-17 Charleston C-17 Mcguire T-1 FAIP KC-10 Travis KC-135 McDill KC-135 March MC-130H Hurlburt RC-135 2x C-130H (G) 2x C-130H ® 2x C-17 ® C-5 ®
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