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Everything posted by HU&W

  1. Rammstein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y4vIzEkd6s or Ramstein?
  2. Standard practice is to ignore sunk costs in most government ROI calculations.
  3. HU&W

    C-130 help

    1. Is the protagonist posing as a loadmaster? 2. Is he awake?
  4. HU&W

    C-130 help

    Why a C-130? Did they just stumble across one? Did they get it from a government? Are they actually flying an L-100? What kind of cargo are they hauling? Why are they Russian but didn't get an Antonov? Could they get away with a Casa 235, Casa 212, or even a King Air? An arms dealer with a C-130 wouldn't exactly be keeping a low profile.
  5. You and every other current Captain.
  6. Kaccs, just in case you're still reading this forum, that's how it's done.
  7. Driving through the gate on a particularly cold and rainy day I was greeted by an overly happy SF Airman. Dressed in body armor, poncho, and a reflective belt, he greeted me with a smile and asked how my day was going as I handed him my ID. DBIDS scan took awhile and I saw a slight crack in the smile, but it was right back when he returned my ID. I asked how his day was going and with a sharp salute, he responded "OUTSTANDING". Then, as I just started to pull away, I heard him murmur through gritted teeth "I'm out standing in the f---ing rain all day" Food for thought
  8. Yes, he won. The prize was a $400 python. The other article did not, however state if he was holding the python when he choked and died.
  9. Man dies following live-cockroach eating contest.
  10. Intermittent shift key?
  11. Your profile says "Gender: Male"
  12. Great first post. Welcome to the forums.
  13. I bolded a few items from the previous post that are excellent advice and 100% true. If you do decide to enlist, please pay close attention to those things. If you decide to enlist as a way to facilitate admission to the academy, prep school is an exceptional opportunity for folks with less than stellar high school resumes. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  14. HU&W

    Gun Talk

    Great site. Thanks. Also for anyone looking for a zombie apocalypse here's a possible consideration. https://www.academy.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_10051_616355_-1?ICID=CRT:0324-00971-9997
  15. FWIW, I would consider USAFA if being a pilot was the only goal in exclusion. Really, that choice regarding that goal is more of a numbers game than anything else. USAFA graduates approximately 1000 students per year. Of those, just a little over 500 usually become pilots. Even ignoring the fact that there were hundreds of graduates that weren't medically eligible or just didn't want to be a pilot, those are great odds. Even so, I wouldn't recommend USAFA to my own kids. If they decide to be AF pilots, my recommendation would absolutely be AFROTC at a good university with a great football program. I would want them to pick a degree that they could enjoy while going through college that would give them career alternatives after graduation (if the pilot thing doesn't work out). Always have a backup plan, focus on your goals, work hard, and have fun.
  16. My previous AFSC doesn't matter as it doesn't exist anymore and my circumstances were unique. My guidance to you would be to do what YOU want to do. Work extremely hard to follow a path that you know will either achieve your goals or will provide you with suitable alternatives that you will enjoy. Never allow somebody else that doesn't have a vested interest in your future to guide you down an undesirable path that fits their agenda.
  17. I've been where you are. I chose college, did poorly since I had no specific goals, and dropped out. After a few years of working odd jobs and then getting married, I enlisted, did really well going to college in the evenings while working on AD full time, and got an OTS slot. It was the hard way. I wasn't mature enough out of high school to take college seriously. Getting married gave me a purpose for education and enlisting helped me learn the importance of being dedicated to an objective. Today, I'm a pilot. I took the difficult road and got lucky. If I'd been in a career field that deployed more or didn't allow you to go to school every evening after working full days I doubt I'd be where I am today. Out of all of my friends I enlisted with who espoused the same plans as you, I am the only one who is flying aircraft today. I'd say the odds are against you becoming a pilot if you enlist, but that doesn't mean you can't have an overall successful career and life via that path. I would recommend going to college. If you want to be a pilot and are completely focused on that goal, your best odds are to attend the Air Force Academy. Personally, if I were to do it again and had the understanding of pursuing a goal I do today, I would go to the university of my choice and go through AFROTC. I feel this method gives you the best mix of opportunity, education, and experience. Edited to add: If you want to be a police officer, choose security forces. If you want to be a personal trainer or a cook, choose services. If you want to be a airplane mechanic, choose aircraft maintenance. If you want to be a pilot, the same applies. Do everything it takes to be a pilot. The most important qualifying factor, other than physical condition, is having a bachelor's degree. Prioritize as you see fit.
  18. It appears that a memorial website has been set up for him. Not much content yet.
  19. Possible stupid question, but I've never heard of this option, how does one try the boneyard for stuff?
  20. Yes
  21. My record when I was stationed at Ramstein was 19 months order to delivery through APO. After two months of waiting, the company resent the product and it arrived in 10 days. The original package arrived over a year later. Out of hundreds of packages (Amazon mostly), we had over 2 months wait 3 times.
  22. HU&W

    Gun Talk

    I spoke with the gun guy at the BX last week and he quoted me $280 to order the 10/22 takedown. Much better than the $360-$380 everyone seems to want downtown.
  23. I found this online and felt it deserved sharing. Enjoy.
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