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Everything posted by ItnStln

  1. Which MWS is retiring in 20 months?
  2. Did you ever get a response?
  3. How is wearing a Fitbit considered improper courier procedures?
  4. The website has been down for a while so I am wondering that as well.
  5. That example lines up with everything in your description. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the explanation sir!
  7. What is Phoenix Reach/Mobility?
  8. Thanks!
  9. What's a 93B?
  10. Thanks! Out of curiosity, what did it mean in the past?
  11. What's a white jet tour?
  12. I thought I read that somewhere, hopefully I'm not mistaken.
  13. Doesn't some FE time count towards the ATP?
  14. Yes, the unedited. I can't find it on YouTube all I get are trailers.
  15. Do you have links or are they both on Amazon?
  16. When I registered to vote it was done electronically and I never signed anything. So what's there to compare my signature to?
  17. One fraudulent vote is a problem.
  18. Thanks, I haven't seen or heard this one yet. It must have not made my Google Play Music playlist, luckily.
  19. What's her latest man hating song this week?
  20. I would, assuming I could sue her afterwards for royalties on the song.
  21. If they’re sold online and you have a link share it and I’ll buy a few as I’m a collector.
  22. Are the Hs only in the Guard and Reserve or are there active units with them?
  23. Thanks! Which active duty units, if any, still fly the C-130H?
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