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  1. Kleveling, I was picked up by the unsponsored board in early 2015. We were the first people that AFRC put through as unsponsored, although this program may have existed some years before. I was notified by my recruiter that I would be going to pilot training at Sheppard AFB, TX. I asked if that meant I was going to ENJJPT, and he responded, “what’s ENJJPT?” I didn’t know there was a slot available, and I certainly didn’t apply for it. My pilot score was 98, PCSM was 95 with over 200 flight hours. Fighters were not my dream, and I really didn’t want to take that opportunity from someone that really wanted it. I went the helicopter route, and they sent me to Vance for my T-6s. I spoke with another unsponsored guy at Vance, and he said a notification went out that an ENJJPT slot had opened up, and they were all allowed to apply for it. It might have been a one-time thing, or they might still have spots at ENJJPT open to unsponsored candidates.
  2. How much was the Annual Pro Membership? What did it include? I don't see that option anymore on their site.
  3. I was unsponsored, and I got an ENJJPT slot. That's a guaranteed fighter/bomber track, but no guaranteed fighter. I continued to interview with units to procure my own sponsorship, and got picked up by a HH-60G (helicopter) unit while I was at OTS. Reserve Command gave me a choice: politely refuse the helo squadron, or leave ENJJPT and go to Vance/Rucker. Helicopters were my dream, so it wasn't a very hard decision for me- I took the helos. But a big contributing factor was the uncertainty of whether I would actually get a fighter, as opposed to a bomber. I could just see it: a BUFF to Barksdale! I was also concerned about being in a fighter unit and getting BRACked and/or switched to RPAs.
  4. PM sent
  5. Not sure if you realize this, but as unsponsored you can continue to interview with reserve units up until drop night in UPT. I say you should go for it.
  6. I went through the unsponsored track and got selected by AFRC in the January 2015 board. I'm currently in OTS at Maxwell. I just did a phone interview with the 305th Rescue Squadron out of Davis-Monthan, and they're going to sponsor me! I'm going to fly the HH-60!
  7. I've learned a bit more about unsponsored slots in the reserve. I just finished my flying class I physical at Wright-Pat. There were about ten unsponsored applicants there with me. We all have dates for OTS and UPT this year. We have until two weeks prior to selection week in UPT (~Sep 2016) to be sponsored by a unit, or we'll be assigned per needs of the air force. The applicants' info went out to all the flying squadrons encouraging them to interview and sponsor us asap. Add I understand it, there are over fifty slots remaining this fiscal year that the af reserve doesn't want to go to waste. Packets are due 29 March for the next board. So I would encourage interested individuals to contact a reserve recruiter and put in a packet. It would appear that it's never been easier to become a pilot in the reserve. You may contact me with any questions, or for my recruiter's contact info (I recommend him highly).
  8. To obtain an unpsonsored pilot slot in the Air Force Reserve, contact an Officer Accessions recruiter and they will help you put the packet together and submit it. I just completed the process and got an unsponsored slot. Any additional questions, I'll answer what I can.
  9. I was just selected unsponsored! I'm going to Wright-Pat on Mach 9th for the FC1, and my OTS start date is May 4th. I haven't been contacted by any units- I guess that'll come after the physical's done. I've contacted a few reserve units that I'd like to serve with, and they all said they're between 120 to 200% overstaffed. Interestingly, my recruiter said there are 77 slots remaining this fiscal year, so it might be quite easy for applicants to the Summer '15 board. I was told to spread the word and try to bring my recruiter some applicants for the upcoming board.
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