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Insubordinate & Churlish

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Everything posted by Insubordinate & Churlish

  1. airliners.net/photo/USA-Air-Force/McDonnell-Douglas-KC-10A-Extender-DC-10-30CF/7547367/L See the caption. Are KC-10s sometimes referred to as "Big Sexy," or is the photographer just a fan of Shoresy?
  2. Similar idea, but opposite direction: we are going to an exercise, and the host unit is trying to stiff arm is into double occupancy. Our squadron leadership is pushing back. I don't know the ins and the outs of these kind of things, I just turn on the green light.
  3. Big Thread Bump Is it written anywhere that aircrew "must/shall/will" be assigned single occupancy rooms for crew rest? And yes, I understand that while deployed this certainly goes out the window, but during routine TDY we always get it. Just looking for a reg reference.
  4. We're looking for ways to display a large number of patches on the walls in our new Ops building. What ideas have you guys seen? The cheaper the better, probably. I&C
  5. I was an enlisted cargo loader and am now an H pilot. I haven't heard of this technique, and neither had some H model LMs I spoke with. Is tail clearance an issue that often in the J? Is the geometry back their that much different from an H?
  6. Is there a reason people don't go to the "big name" schools like ATP Flight School or US Aviation Academy? I ask only because they're VA approved, and I have Post 9/11 GI Bill I could use for it.
  7. My recommendations, equipment wise: -Ear plugs, for when you're sleeping with all your new best friends -Consider clear plastic workshop type glasses or sunglasses. I can't believe more people don't go DNIF due to getting whacked in the eye by tree branches. -Bring your own multitool, ideally one with a sawing blade. The issued ones are crap. -Bring spare batteries to the field. We had a guy whose headlamp burnt out on the first night. It was a long time in the woods for him. -In one of the second floor laundry rooms, there is a boot closet. It's full of boots you can borrow for taking to the field. Don't trash your own. By and large, that's about all extra that I'd take to the field, and it's quite compact (ear plugs, glasses, multitool, and batteries). The reason I don't advocate anything more is because, regardless of how expensive and great the stuff you bring is, you are still required to bring the AF issued equipment i.e. I have a nice Petzl headlamp, way nicer than the AF issued one, but I was still required to bring the AF one with me, doubling the amount of space taken up in those cramped rucks.
  8. Bump I'm a Guard pilot, deploying with my home unit for 120 days on mobility orders. I asked about staying on another 60 days with the unit replacing us, for 180 days total. CC was supportive, but when we began asking questions to others, they seemed doubtful that I could get on two different units mobility orders. They thought that I'd have to come back, take my leave, get off the mobility orders, and then hop on with the second unit's second set of 60 days. Obviously, I'd just rather do the 180 straight through. Sounds like the catch is in transferring mobility orders in-place. Anyone have a similar experience with this issue?
  9. Vance 15-05 incorporated the speech into their patch. There appears to be multiple versions of the speech. In one, he said "dare mighty things" instead of "daring greatly." The rest of the patch is WWII nose art from some pilot training base.
  10. It depends. If you arrive around the time all the recent Academy grads show up, the dorms can't handle everyone, and they issue a blanket statement allowing you to move off base (thus receiving BAH) right away. If the Academy rush has quieted down, you put your name on a waiting list to move off base. As a reference point, I arrived in January, and was on the wait list to move off base for about a week. Call the Cherokee Inn. The staff is helpful and knowledgeable on this topic.
  11. You're hurting yourself by limiting your options to just AFE. Many enlisted guys get hired out of jobs that don't instantly provide them "face time."
  12. My thoughts regarding living on-base verse off-base at Vance. I lived in the dorms for about one month before moving off-base, midway through phase I (academics). The dorms are okay, but you're living in what amounts to a hotel suite for 13+ months. Kitchen, appliances, bedding, carpet and bathroom are all clean and serviceable, but not much else can be said for them. The dorms are older, so they're not as nice as they could be. Any furniture in the room can be taken out at your request; I would suggest bringing your own desk, as the desks they provide are pretty small. Each room is provided with a storage locker in the center part of the building. The locker is approximately 4'x4'x4'. The pro of living on base is the convenience. However, I think the cons greatly outweigh the one pro. There were frequently maintenance shenanigans with dorms (flooding, HVAC system straight up fails, ongoing construction). Further, you're living in a small space. The kitchen/living room/bedroom are all open to one another, and then you walk through the closet to get to the bathroom. However, I think the biggest negative is the fact that you essentially are paying $891 (O-1 no dependents BAH rate in Enid) to stay there. I moved off-base about two weeks before the flight line began. It would not be impossible to move once you have begun flying, but it would definitely be difficult. I moved to a three bedroom house off-base with two other guys in my class. After paying rent and utilities, I pocketed ~$250 most months. I didn't live that far north of base (Vance sits at the southern border of Enid), so while I had a "commute" every morning, a 10 minute drive from my door to the student parking lot was not bad at all. You have more flexibility off-base: you can keep a gun at your place, people can visit more easily, you don't have to worry about getting back on-base after a night out. And you make money doing it. The majority of the guys in my class lived off base.
  13. VN 15-05 T-38s U-28, Hurlburt Field F-15C, Kingsley Field C-130H (Guard) T-1s C-17, Hickham C-130J, Ramstein C-130J, Little Rock C-130H (Guard) C-146, Canon E-3, Tinker KC-135, McConnell KC-135, (Guard, Reserve) x 3 U-28, Hurlburt Field
  14. There are about 5 or 6 Guard/Reserve MAF guys in -38s at Vance right now. To the original topic: Vance 15-03 T-38s F-16 C-17 x 2 C-130 Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  15. Cincinnati guy here. -Roughly between Dayton and Cincinnati (~45 minutes away?) is Red Stewart Airfield. It's a mom and pop grass strip, where the training fleet is two Cubs, a Champ, a Taylorcraft, Decathlon, and a Stearman. Check it out, it's a great little place. Go get some tailwheel time. If you're there from August 30-31st, their airshow/fly-in/pancake breakfast is going on. As long as VFR wx prevails, they'll have a nice turnout. -Cincinnati proper is 1 hour south. Reds baseball games are very reasonably priced. On the Cincinnati side, eat/drink at the Moerlein Lager House or Yardhouse. You can walk across the bridge into northern Kentucky. There is a legit Hofbrauhaus there, along with other bars and entertainment. OTR (Over The Rhine) is the up and coming renovated part of downtown, but beware, hipsters abound, and it's still somewhat shady. Nearby downtown, check out: Eli's BBQ (it's BYOB, and great food), the Wurst Bar, or Brew River Gastropub (great beer selection, they brew some of their own), and of course, Cincinnati Skyline Chili (which you can get in Dayton).
  16. My basic training MTI was actually a Guard guy pulling an MTI tour. Fast forward to AMS 6 years later, turns out one of the guys in my flight is good friend's with my TI back at their Guard unit. So I got my first salute from my TI, which was cool. I can still remember getting chewed out for messing up the fire monitor procedures in week 2 of basic...
  17. What Chem said. It's a pain in the ass to leave the OTS complex during the week. Have everything taken care of before you show up.
  18. I didn't bring mine. I'm fairly certain no one else did either, IIRC. BL: You won't get in trouble for not bringing them.
  19. I can't answer your question directly, sorry, but no news is not bad news. Personally, I never got an email or call saying "congrats, you passed the FC1." A couple months after the physical, I simply received class dates. Guard/Reserve, if it matters.
  20. In AMS, no. OTS (AD and Reserve), yes. But AMS is soon going to 8.5 weeks (or whatever it is), so who knows.
  21. Question about your order of investment: does TSP match your contributions? If so, why don't you at least maximize your match from TSP before moving on to the Vanguard Roth? Not calling you out, I'm just curious.
  22. My AMS advice/info: -The dorms and academic building have WiFi throughout, and they encourage you to bring laptops/tablets to class for note taking. Do it. It'll make studying for the test much simpler if you have been taking notes as class has been going on. On a practical note, note taking during class will help you stay awake. -They are transitioning to Blackboard. It's not perfect. However, it did cut down on the "need" for a printer. Printers are still useful, but not necessary. I didn't bring one, but enough guys in my flight did that we could take care of whatever we needed. There is a multi-thousand dollar printer/scanner/fax machine on each floor... broke for the entire duration of the course. -Bring a mouse. The laptops they provide you in the dorm room don't have one. You can work much quicker with a mouse. My roommate was a prior Comm guy and said it was fine to plug in to a govt laptop, so I did -It's been said before, but have everything pressed and altered before showing up. Getting to the alterations shop is a PITA. It's off the OTS complex, therefore you have to get dressed up in blues and make it there after your duty day ends and before their shop closes. Also, cut all the cables off your uniform before you get there. -Everyone has an additional duty. Don't be the Requirements Officer. It's that simple. -Prior Es: For your flight photo and graduation, you'll wear and oak leaf cluster on your Basic Training Ribbon. Plan accordingly, because your flight photo is midway through the course, but you can't walk around wearing the OLC before you graduate. I brought two racks, and put the OLC on one. -Finally, previous posters have suggested using the dry cleaners for storage of uniforms. The dry cleaners is off the OTS complex, so, again, it's a PITA to pick it up. Instead, store them in your car (which is on the OTS complex, so you can walk there in PT or ABUs) or a friends car. You have access to your car after the first two weeks or so. It's not hard, it just sucks at times. ETA: The laptops they provide you in the dorm rooms cannot be taken to class, so bring your own for class notes.
  23. It sounds like most people are getting away with non-reg boots in the operational Air Force. How about at UPT? Since at the end of the day, UPT is AETC, do they care more if you follow the reg previously cited in this thread?
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