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Insubordinate & Churlish

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Everything posted by Insubordinate & Churlish

  1. So it sounds like there's a bit of leeway in what you can bring. I assume the same holds for "Underwear, Cotton, White"?
  2. Your actions speak profoundly to your character. To a fellow Aerial Porter...
  3. So what's the current situation with computers? My plan was to bring a laptop and printer. I'd also bring CD-RWs so that I have a way of getting files onto a government computer (I don't have an Air Card or smartphone hotspot, so I don't see another way to get files from my personal laptop onto a government computer). Thanks.
  4. I'll be going to Vance unaccompanied in a few months. The base website says I'll be in UOQ unless occupancy exceeds 95%. Straight forward enough. However, is the housing office able to predict occupancy rate a couple weeks out? I ask because the amount of stuff I bring will certainly be determined by where I'm living i.e. no need to bring a bed all the way down to Vance if I'll be in UOQ.
  5. Agreed. I'm currently enlisted in the unit that hired me, and I waited longer to get dates once submitted than a friend of mine who was not prior enlisted in his hiring unit.
  6. The Guard Bureau emailed Base Training, Training emailed the recruiter who handled my package (sts), the recruiter then emailed me.
  7. My dates were sent out last Thursday AMS: 2 Nov 2013 No IFS UPT: 24 January 2014
  8. The "3.0 Gs forward, 2.0 vertical, 1.5 for aft and 1.5 lateral" restraint requirements are AF-wide and are not airframe specific. And Clayton Bigsby is nailing it (sts): you're limited on how much restraint can go in a given spot, and it ends up being such a cluster trying to find all the places you can legally chain/strap down, and figuring out what percentage of the rated restraint is actually being achieved due to angle, etc. Also, someone asked about mixing straps and chains. They shouldn't be mixed because they stretch/give at different rates, and that's obviously not good. Strapping something down, even if it's unsafe, is a lot faster than chaining something down. If someone's priority was speed, straps would be their natural choice.
  9. My approved package was submitted "to training" somewhere high up in Big Blue for class dates on 21 Feb. I have not yet heard any more information Next drill weekend, May 4th, I'll swing by Base Training to see if they have any further info (class dates for me, or the status of various schools in general, given the budget.). I'll post what I find.
  10. My favorite (now former) Packer calling out Rainman... Not sure this thread is epic yet, but it's headed that way soon.
  11. I talked to the fabled "guy who knows a guy," and as of yesterday, they had not yet been released.
  12. I'm in general agreement with Colorado. It's not necessarily quick because (as of May 2012) there is a certain minimum amount of time you're supposed to spend "studying" the material in each section. Thus, for each section, you can't just click though to the end a la ADLS CBTs. You have to let the window stay open for ~1.5 hours per section.Really not a show stopper, just a PIA. Ultimately, I recommend it.
  13. Huggy? Spoo? Kuma? Good job either way. (From Chive DAR, pic #25, good luck scrolling down to it without getting distracted)
  14. Mobility exercises There is only one good thing about Volk Field: Spotted Cow
  15. I'm currently Guard enlisted. What did you prior enlisted guys wear to the exam? I've heard PT uniform from one source, and comfortable workout clothes from another. Also, any reason to take copies of paperwork with me TO the exam? I'll definitely have copies in my car/room, but any reason to have them on hand? Thanks.
  16. I wouldn't be comfortable wearing ABUs unless I knew the rudiments of the dress reg, and basic customs and courtesies. People expect that out of others who wear the uniform. Business casual, not so much. Plus, you might as well be comfortable during drill, ABUs suck. But to each his own, and according to unit preference of course.
  17. Is this true for all Guard airframes? And how about from AMS-IFS-UPT?
  18. I have a cebaceous cyst on my knee that needs to come out, and soon rather than waiting for it to get infected again. I was selected by a Guard unit a few months ago, and have my commissioning physical in September, with a flight physical expected sometime around January. Any wisdom on when/how I should play this out timewise with my upcoming physicals? Any know what reg he is quoting, so that I can have a gander myself?
  19. Download OpenOffice. It's not the best, but it's free and reverse compatible with .doc, .docx, .ppt., .pptx. etc.
  20. I'll just leave this here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7GFo1U5kew&sns=fb
  21. I'm a little confused. Is Barnes ANGB saying "we don't want to deal with LASIK waivers" or is this AF-wide policy for individuals who are not yet aviators? http://www.104fw.ang.af.mil/resources/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=12230 "1d. Waivers for LASIK will not be allowed in aviation and special duty personnel." I hope this is not AF-wide policy, or I'm screwed.
  22. "Some men just want to watch the world burn" The link may be NSFW. Depends on how sensitive your shop/office is. Just a heads up.
  23. At least as of '09, that was true... unless you had steel toe boots, in which case you still have to remove them. Edit: Suppose pilots don't care about that since they don't wear steel, but FYI for anyone else.
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