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Insubordinate & Churlish

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Everything posted by Insubordinate & Churlish

  1. STFU, STFU. (Sorry, just couldn't pass that one up. +1 post count)
  2. Here's an interesting article I found: Iraq Gun Porn: Which Guns Suck, Which Guns Rock
  3. I'm deploying this May and have two gear questions: 1. Is one of those thin rubber covers for my laptop keyboard in order? I'll be in a CHU, FWIW. 2. I have a nice set of $180 polarized Oakleys. I can find non-polarized Oakleys on eBay for nearly half that price (I know, don't tell me, its hard to tell which Oakleys are real online). Would you suggest that I buy some online as a beater pair? I'm not a pilot, I'm an aerial porter, but whatever experience you have is helpful. Thanks!
  4. Does the recruit get any money as well? I thought I heard that they did, but I don't see anything saying that they do.
  5. Has anyone done the Guard Recruiting Assistance Program? I've got a friend who is looking into the Guard, and I'd like to do G-RAP if it means that I can buy now buy an AR-15. Is there some big catch or trap? I understand that you have to do some CBTs (as if I don't do a million of them already) and go to a meeting with the recruiter and the recruit. Thanks!
  6. Holy cow, I have comparatively nothing. Mom's dad: Tried to enlist, but medically disqualified. Mom's cousin: wounded in Vietnam Dad's dad: Navy MX, but was a civilian aviator for the now defunct Eastern Airlines, and an A&P Dad: T-33 and F-16 driver Me: Guard enlisted, UPT hopefully once I graduate I've always and only ever wanted to be a pilot because of my dad.
  7. At BMT they have these block looking things that attach right near where the brass is ejected to deflect it away from a southpaw's arm. Sorry for not being very descriptive, but I know there is something out there for lefties. Talk to a CATM instructor.
  8. Would anyone care to make realistic and plausible prognostications as to what changes we could reasonably expect to see? I ask because I wasn't planning on buying any more guns for a few years. The next one was going to be a Bushmaster AR-15, in something like 4 years. Do I need to be taking a serious look into buying that gun before January whatever? Or maybe just some "hi cap" magazines right now?
  9. Alright, my unit is trying to get some people together for an AEF rotation to Al Sahra Airfield. I know nothing about this place (mainly because it has never been mentioned here). Can anyone vouch for the place? Is it a tent city or does it have hard facilities? Is it full of shoes like the Died? Any and all info is appreciated. Please help a young enlisted troop, sooner rather than later. I need to give my superiors a solid answer tomorrow.
  10. This book is not military related, rather it is about GA. I still think everyone (read: every pilot) here can appreciate it, though. Unlike any other book, Gordon "Bax" Baxter captures the humor, poetry, and beauty of flying. This is one of the few books I can go back to and read again and again. Some of his stories will honestly have you laughing out loud, while others will make you appreciate being a pilot more than you could ever imagine. It is a collection of all of his articles from "Flying" magazine, put into a book, so it's a great toilet book, as very little of the writing is sequentially based. I could not recommend one book any more than "Bax Seat." Bax Seat
  11. I have never seen so much thunder called down on a single poster. This is absolutely amazing. Seriously, this thread title needs "Classic" put in front of it.
  12. Container STS, your avatar has the Disney logo in the lower left hand corner, meaning that she's probably not 18. Oh well, who am I to be the party pooper. Bad ass pics. Anyone know of a good nose-art girl calendar I could get for 09? Edit: Holy shit, I happily stand corrected. Avatar page Wikipedia on Cheryl Tweedy Game on!
  13. M2, in your retirement, have you been doing some acting on the side?
  14. My bro got an 80GB iPod for Christmas and had that same question. Assuming you do not want to fork over any cash, you need to scour the internet for freeware that will convert DVD --> AAC WITHOUT leaving a watermark smack dab in the middle of the picture, or only convert the first 50% of a file. I think he had to try about six different converters before he got one that was free, watermarkless, and did the whole file. I'll try and find out what it was called.
  15. We were sitting in ground school, looking over L-charts (government charts, not Jepps) for IFR review, and we noted that most of the airports now are green (no DoD approved procedures), to include ours, which has a full compliment of approaches, 8100' runway among others, radar services, etc., FWIW. Everyone was wondering what changed that so few airports are still blue (DoD approved approaches availabe)? Thanks for any info! -Port Dog
  16. So it's not exactly USAF Flying, but it's better than starting a new thread and getting dropkicked by Toro: I'm an A1C. My CC, knowing I want to be a pilot after I get my degree, takes me over to Ops to talk to the OG/CC and some other pilots. OG/CC and said pilots introduce themselves as "John" instead of "Lt. Col. Doe" or "Captain Doe." How do I refer to them in later encounters?
  17. For aprox. $3,300, I got a: $2300 2005 Ninja 250, with 3400 miles (Buy used, as a new rider, you will mess up at least once. I already dropped mine ) $500 insurance policy $160 helmet $160 jacket $140 pants $60 gloves $90 for license and title (I'm not entirely sure of this number) Things I still need to buy: Battery Tender ($40) for winter, a reflective vest for night/base driving ($40), and a tank bag ($53). Just my numbers so that you can know what to expect. It's not a cruiser, but it doesn't hurt my back much at all.
  18. During the summer months, I have a 5.5 hour drive to drill. Let me tell you, when you get off duty at 5 PM Sunday night, and are facing a 5.5 hour drive home, it's not pleasant. Plus, you have to consider that you may get back to base even later from a TDY or annual tour. (For example, I'm gettting back to base from my AT at 9 PM, and have my 5.5 hour drive to face.) Is moving an impossibility? The 152 flight would be a lot of fun to do, but as my airline pilot dad says, "When you gotta get there... drive."
  19. If I were to answer this question truthfully, which I try to do, I'd have to say that one of my worst qualities is how well, in my case, poorly, I take criticism, like in a debrief with my CFI. If you raised your eyebrows at my last sentence, I'd have to imagine that the pilots on the selection board would as well, seeing as how an ability to take (constructive) criticism is a key part of UPT. My question is, do I really tell what I need to improve most? Can it be done without shooting yourself in the foot? Sounds like a no-win situation. Edited for: stupidity
  20. Don't know if you saw this during the 2004 Olympics, but it was epic.
  21. As a point of clarification, travel to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa is allowed. (Reference: DOD 4515.13-R, Table C6.T1)
  22. My dad's got the Cessna 140 parked in the Classics section and says that the crowds looks as large as usual. Wish I could be there.
  23. If you google "tank silencer," you get this page from Museum of Hoaxes. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/comments/1579/ Others say its for ballistic research. Take your pick. http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/archi...hp/t-47489.html
  24. For the non-aviators' sake, please explain: What is it about morale patches that shoes dislike? Is it because they swear and are therefore offensive (i.e. "BOHICA" would be okay because there is no swear word), or are they prohibited in "AFI-69-chow my hog?"
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