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Everything posted by ak47

  1. 2007 11M in MC-12 purgatory, approved. I'M OUT!
  2. PM me, we just got someone certified as a proctor at my location.
  3. I believe in this instance it will (could?) probably be a third MWS for Slick and some of the other MC-12 guys, since right now we have more questions than answers. Legacy Herk guys maybe or maybe not going to the J, Hog guys going who knows where and all the mobility guys who came here due to 169% manning in their previous communities. Many waiting on May 1, the AF isn't creating any more cockpits...
  4. A storage unit for several individual implements with which one would perform household maintenance duties?
  5. The shit of it is that there's a distinct possibility he was at one time in your squadron as a T-6 FAIP who got a bomber not named the BUFF. Now he rains hate here.
  6. I don't think you get it.
  7. Every time his arguments could be defeated with his own arguments: "You shouldn't argue with folks trying to enforce things like reflective belt policies, because that argument doesn't enhance the mission." Yes... To his credit, he did repeatedly say "don't go looking for a reason to be offended."
  8. As a recent Shoe Flag grad, this guy would aaaaaaaaalmost say the right thing! THEN BAM! "Don't argue about reflective belt wear downrange and just wear it!" It's not worth it to make sense, guys.
  9. I'd agree with the caveat that if you get yourself killed or bend the plane, then all the JFIRE and 3-1 knowledge in the world won't help. Mishaps have included flying too close to or into thunderstorms, doing more than transiting through moderate icing, and flying too slowly. If you don't know the basics enough to be safe (and to be fair, maybe these guys were intentionally disregarding the things they already knew, which would make it even worse), then you're a hindrance and not a help. I'm not talking about "how far is a loc signal considered reliable" or any of that bullshit, but what's going to keep you alive.
  10. Yes. Currently at Shoe Flag and being told that they're working on figuring out the final details of implementation. Either we'll be the last 8 week class or the next one will, so the answer's "how soon," not "if."
  11. Close enough to see it was a Hornet just a few minutes prior to pitch black that night. That was a fun night.
  12. Any words on whether or not the next SOS class will go? Word is the guys in the class that just ended got sent home early with the Gov't Shutdown.
  13. Rubbish, the clues are there. Here's what I've got: '05 year group Capt, deployed twice in the MC-12, once to Balad in '09-10, prior E, -130 guy, currently stationed at a West Coast base that doesn't have -17s, not deployed right now, and God's gift to leadership. Or he's been throwing some smoke grenades out the whole time. It was the butler in the den with the candlestick.
  14. Truth.
  15. Ah, well I was wrong. Time to step back and reassess.
  16. I can't speak for tunes directly, but I think he meant "your squadron job" as in what YOU specifically do. Like lets say you are the squadron scheduler? One thing I absolutely hate about where I am right now is you. People like you. People who are so ######ing ate up about The Program. The Program is the only thing you've ever known because your previous community kicked you to the curb very early on. Because you've been with The Program from the beginning (Balad in 09-10, as you mentioned), you've been allowed to shape it, but because you're an asswipe, you've only spread your shit and allowed it to be a predominant mentality in these two squadrons. You're a leader here not because you were good, but because there was nobody else. That's part of the problem with the greater AF. You cite the guy with no AAD but SOS in res getting out and that it's a waste, but you also don't talk about the guys that get picked up for crossflow with AAD and SOS in res in hand and a school slot dropping papers. You've got your head so far up your ass you can't see that there are guys with incredible leadership records and potential getting out. (I know the stereotypical crossflow dude is a goo, but there are some awesome ones out there) Instead of debating, you resort to telling Champ to get the dildo out of his mouth. God help us if you are actually given a position of authority, because with your lack of creativity and outside the box thinking, you'll be the guy that relies on bullshit metrics for bullshit reasons. [/personal rant] So back to the topic at hand, I've got a few masters classes left and haven't been to SOS, but nobody in my Sq who is actually in a position of power has told me I won't be going until I finish my masters. In fact, they've said the opposite - that I need to start coordinating for a slot. It's not as bad at slick's base as he'd like you to believe.
  17. I find it interesting that after this Wg/CC, whom you hold in such incredibly high regard, said this on Wednesday: He said it IS, however, a one crime Air Force (I'll agree...it's self elimination like he said about not getting your AAD or doing PME DL). Then you went off the reservation with this? Your leniency is eye watering, but some future Airman in your charge better watch himself after his first arrest. You will go far telling only the "good" half of the story. It keeps leadership happy with you and will get you promoted.
  18. Slow down there slick. You can't leave the rest of the story out. He also sent the clear message that even if AADs are masked in the future, he still thinks they are extremely important. To the point where I and others around me took it to mean that he "won't consider it in the rack and stack, but will consider it." It was one hell of a party line speech.
  19. Clearly you've never been around C-5 maintainers.
  20. I appreciate you clearing this up, because for a lot of us who grew up in he MAF world in the last decade, it's difficult to put this into perspective because of the load that the ARC has been pulling. As a young C-5 guy who only spent 2.5 years doing that, I was with one AFRC guy on the day he earned his AD retirement and knew another in the same squadron that got his. It didn't seem all that unreasonable to do the same, but the future probably isn't guys spending the better part of 10 years on AD orders.
  21. If you know someone at Beale right now, contact them for the lowdown or PM me. The manning piece is constantly changing, and this isn't the place to get into details. Dream Big is pretty spot on with what's up here at the moment. Not sure how long you've been here, but there's definitely a little bit of queep creep. It's not bad, but it could be better.
  22. Flash flood really means "flash." Could be that the two vipers and the Metroliner they held short for just didn't report the 2ft of water they landed through?
  23. Chief pilot is supposed to be in charge of the health and welfare of the pilots including things like the GTC delinquencies and punishment. They're also supposed to be looking out for that all important officer career progression bit making sure you've volunteered for enough Christmas parties and CFC organizer positions. Likewise for the chief FE and chief LM. So, yes, kind of like a chief Flt/CC. Ours, in my time in the sq, have been recently arrived Phoenix Reach guys who are in a holding pattern waiting for an OG or Wg job to open up and the passed over guys who had nowhere else to go like Azimuth said. Use your words tunes.
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