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Everything posted by ak47

  1. FogleMAN. Not the other.
  2. Interesting AF Crimes article regarding future uses of the MC-12. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2012/11/air-force-mc12s-110712w
  3. No. As has been discussed all over this board, TACC is attempting to gnat's ass everyone's fuel. One good way to do that is to figure out when you're going to stop climbing and start descending. Those big power changes play a pretty big role in fuel planning. C-5, for example, will burn about 30k lbs in the first hour and <15k in the last hour. If they don't want you carrying extra gas, then they need to figure out exactly how much you need within a few thousand pounds and not 10k+. They call that inefficient.
  4. As long as you get on the Borman and GTFO without stopping anywhere in Gary. The place is a hole (former murder capital of the country...not sure where it stands today). I'd even forego the rental car and get on the train right there at the airport. Surely the FBO would drop you at the train station. Just tell them you want to take the South Shore into the city. It'll drop you off right in the middle of the city where you want to be. It's about 45min-1hr from there, but cheap and easy. https://www.nictd.com/
  5. You've got a good source on many things FRED, then, but I think he got out of the game before SuperFRED came online. The M is great and has been a vast improvement, but there are several problems: Lockheed has been in no hurry to turn out jets, so we're way over timeline, because we have so few jets, TACC hasn't figured out how to properly utilize us, and at the end of the day there is still a C-5 before the M. Now since you mention Blackhawks and less than stellar crews, I have a feeling you were recently dealing with a certain corner of our community who already doesn't have a good reputation with many. Hopefully it wasn't our guys, because as the new jets are delivered there's a huge push to break the bad C-5 stereotype that has taken 45 years build. It's a real uphill battle.
  6. You aren't also a retired C-5 FE are you, ProSuper?
  7. It's a C-5 from the Patriot Wing located just up the road. Tail flash is complete with the Patriots' logo.
  8. Not really.
  9. Surely you've heard it fly before. Nobody wants to hear that any louder than they have to.
  10. Judging by our inbound list, that seems to still be true. We've been getting about a half dozen new guys from UPT in the squadron every year for the past few years. 2 active duty squadrons, 12-18 C-5s a year makes one every few classes.
  11. ak47

    Shoe Clerk Vol 3

    I thought this name sounded familiar so I Googled, and, sure enough, he was at the zoo sometime in the 05-07 time frame as they moved to make BCT there more like BMT. He's 5-foot nothing and a hundred-nothing and about the angriest man I've ever met. And of course he didn't have a problem talking down to anyone. Only thing missing from his official photo is the neatly-trimmed and very in-regs mustache he used to wear.
  12. Talking to one of their pilots at an undisclosed location, it's really not.
  13. Larry Flint Fined Doesn't California have bigger things to worry about?
  14. Dover C-5s are currently up and down - missions start at about 6 days but FRED is an angry beast and they can last more than 30 days for MX issues. Sometimes you'll be gone back to back to back like the C-17 guys are experiencing with being home only a few days between, and other times you'll be home for 2 months. Right now young folks are getting about 500-600 hours a year. If you come into the C-5 now, you'll be in on the beginnings of the C-5M, too, which is *supposed* to be a huge leap forward. You can also expect one deployment in your first assignment. Some folks are taking 120s to the CAOC and others 179 in the MC-12. It's not bad, but it's ridiculously unpredictable.
  15. So we were cruising around the world with FRED last week watching the dots pass us by on the NAV display. The opposite direction was pretty busy so we were chatting about planes passing 1k' directly overhead when an Emirates A380 wizzed past. The mic keyed and we heard in a calm (American, strangely) voice "we're bigger than you." We cracked up, but sadly, yes, that's a huge-ass plane. Our only consolation is that our tail won't fall off...
  16. Right now getting a non-a slip is about 50-50. There was no room for anyone in my class when we got here, so we're all downtown. The class right behind us all have rooms at the Kelly Inn. If you get the Non-A you can take that anywhere from the Come On Inn right outside the gate to the Drury on the Riverwalk. I'm not sure about how to get an apartment, but someone else here is doing just that, so it can be done. As for your PCS,, logically speaking, they would have to pay for you to get down here, but that's not worth too much. Maybe someone else here can answer those questions more definitively. Feel free to PM with anything else.
  17. Not sure which. Is there a way to tell on my RIP? I really have all the basic questions about the course since everything right now is all "I heard" kind of stuff. What's the schedule like, how are the academics/sims/flights and how much of each is there, what're the folks like, etc?
  18. I just got my rip for the C-5 initial qual and will be heading up there in a few weeks. My wife and I only have one car so we were planning on having her drop me off (from Del Rio) and then packing our stuff to head to Dover while I'm training. Is the setup with the Kelly Inn such that I could survive my time there with only my bike and a backpack, and what's the area like as far as cycling and running to blow off steam? Am I more likely to find a nice neighborhood or get mugged?
  19. XL 09-09 E-8 1 x Robins C-5 1 x Travis 1 x Dover C-17 1 x Hickam 1 x Charleston 1 x Travis KC-135 1 x Fairchild 1 x McConnell RC-135 1 x Offutt C-21 1 x Ramstein T-1 x 1
  20. It's getting close to assignment time, and I can't really find much info on what RC-135 life would be like for a young co. There's lots of good info here about the missions, but what do things look like right now as far as family life and time home v. time away? All help is appreciated. Gracias
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