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Everything posted by Stunna
If I didn't know what she looked like I'd have thought I was watching an SNL sketch. Actually, I did think I was watching an SNL sketch, and had to remind myself that was really her...
Yes, that would have been the preferred title. She is, in fact, an Airman, so it would be correct. I don't think very many people would read that and actually think it was two guys, nor should that matter for public image. "MacDill female Airman..." sounds retarded and is a waste of a word. You wouldn't say "MacDill male Airman..." would you? Why even make the distinction? It takes 6-9 seconds of reading the article to figure out it was a woman. I chalk this up to the civilian public not knowing much about us and always trying to be too PC. As for the whole "Senior" thing... As long as I've been in we've always referred to the NCO ranks by the first word in the title, when talking about promotion or generically as to what rank someone is. For example, I heard that Snuffy missed Master again this year, by half a point! Addressing someone as Senior is just as stupid as addressing someone by any other first word of their title. You don't say Staff Jones or Tech Smith, so where did this Senior Snuffy thing come from? Sergeant works just fine. Hell, call me Sarge if your too lazy to use all of the syllables. I'd probably pistol whip you for calling me Senior. That is all.
Last time I checked you're authorized a Mustache whenever you want as well. I don't even need to interpret the reg to tell you it's true. Don't try it though, only us crusty NCOs can pull it off all year long. Interesting question 10percent. I do recall one retired friend who had continued to stay clean shaven that did in fact sport the 'Stache for March one year, so I'll bet a few guys do continue to observe the tradition.
Already saw the first episode courtesy of nat geo and the cc theater. Pretty well put together. Check it out.
1st female Air Force combat vet in run for congress
Stunna replied to F-15E WSO's topic in Squadron Bar
She's just another Reptilian Politician: https://youtu.be/ob553dEzZ20 It's like the Illuminati, only crazier... -
Buy an M-1 Garand! https://www.odcmp.com Just bought my first one, and I love that rifle.
My stripes agree with the general sentiment of this thread... Gotta get back to working on that class for my CCAF and stop reading officer complaints...
Looks like this news overrode your question, but... I'm very happy with my Mossberg 500. Bought it used a couple years ago. 18 1/2" both pistol grip and standard stock. Never pur put the pistol grip on, and never added any of the upgrades to it, before I pcs'ed out to Japan, but I always felt a little safer having it in the closet, and knowing the wife could operate it if needed... Heard good things about the 870's, but I've never used them. If I recall correctly, they're pretty similar, and it may just come down to price/ which one you like the feel of better.
I'm sorry. I've searched and searched again, but see no aircraft in any of those pictures. ;-)
No reflective belt?
Your final test as in your End of Course exam (EOC) or your final test as in you filled in the bubble sheet after answering the multiple choice questions in the CDC booklet? If it's just the one in the book, then that doesn't really count for anything other than a gauge of how well you studied the material/looked up the answers, so your supervisor knows if you are ready to go to the education office and take the EOC or not. If it was your EOC, and you have two actual sets of CDCs with two EOCs, then definately study harder for this next set, and then start studying whatever you want. There's a reason that most shops won't allow you to pursue additional education until your CDCs are complete. They may seem boring, and even pointless to your overall career goal, but they do help you to know more about and to do your job now. If you don't excel at your current job, your leadership will be less willing to help you pursue your commissioning. As far as I remember you need reccommendation letters and such, and if your only a mediocre performer-or have the appearance of one, your commander will be less likely to endorse something like that. If you shine on your next EOC, the commander will remember your name for that when you gives you your day off, and if you continue to go above and beyond, people will continue to know who you are, making those letters easier to get. Oh, and remember, CDC's are actually part of studying for Staff too... Just one NCOs viewpoint... PM if you've got questions.
Ahhh, now this thread has character!
Got friends there right now, but I haven't really heard anything from them, good or bad. Perhaps one of them can stop teasing me by flying into Dhafra long enough to get you some info. Last intel I got was from around the same time frame as the last post regarding the wireless.
2 Girls, 1 CAC ?
Ever since I've gotten out here to "undisclosed location in SWA", the guys that came with me have been talking about MM, and a few have started growing em out for "deployment 'staches"... Unfortunately mines been growing for 4 years now, so I may have to go with mustacheless March this year...
I watched SF respond to a hostage type situation, on base, in the Wing HQ, stateside, a couple years back. They implemented Delta measures and swept through that place so fast, half the base didn't have a clue as to what was going on until well after it happened. All they knew was they couldn't go home, and weren't getting overtime, silly civilians... Relevancy - was transient at the Deid 2 weeks ago. Why does it take 4+30 to put us through customs and give us a mini right start brief, etc. if we're there for 30 hours waiting on a hop? Finally got to my location and we were completely inprocessed with PERSCO and Finance and Med and all that stuff in about 1+15. I was seriously about ready to choke the briefers at the Deid if they didn't hurry up. 10+30 with no nicotine and little caffiene makes me one grumpy sumbitch...
Really? What's the matter here man, did one of the female engineers turn you down out on the road once and now you're all bitter? You are why I hate the 17 community in broad sweeping generalizations... Engineers F'ing up the reliability rate sure sounds like an excuse to me. Lame one at that. You must hate crew chiefs too... I can't even remember how many times I have called a checklist item, and the pilot and/or co-pilot rattled off the response, without actually applying the step, at which point I've had to re-call the step. Typical landing setup is usually calling for the flaps, then the gear, then asking for the checklist, and most guys I know (self included) will not even start calling checklist items until we have already visually verified the gear is down. Sure we're all human, and mistakes are always bound to happen, but how is not having an extra pair of eyes really a good thing? I don't get the logic, at all. Whatever, just don't come fly with me, you'd probably get upset at all the min ground time and lack of breaking anyway...
They've been doing it for quite some time, I remember having to sit in one to see if I was big enough to actually stay in the seat during flips or something, so, maybe 15 years? It's not discriminatory if you make everyone do it... Even if you really just wanna laugh at fatties...
Just saw this, feel like being nice this morning... Unless you're coming from an overseas base, which you haven't specified, you shouldn't find out which A/C or which base you'll be assigned until you're in your Basic Boomer course. Kind of like when you had to go through EP and then go to GAC school, and they told you at your GAC course what your first base would be. For FE's we were able to submit a dream sheet ranking our BoP (and therefore A/C) in the first week or two of training. Then they decided where they needed people, assigned us, and told us about midway through BFE. I'd assume yours is similar, except your list probably isn't as long. As for your earlier question about what's needed for the course, what to read before hand, etc., I know that there are reporting instructions for Lackland out there somewhere, I believe they were '.mil' and I believe there may be a link to them in one of your retraining package acceptance letters/orders in the My Stuff of AFPC. For the basic courses, as FEs, all we really needed was pencils, a pen, a cheap calculator, and maybe a notebook. All of the course materials were provided. I did some general knowledge type reading into the background of my AFSC prior to school, but that's about it. As one of my instructors used to say, don't get wrapped around the axle about it. These are basic courses, designed to see if you can hack the general knowledge of the job. Work hard, have fun, and i guess PM me if you have any more general CEA questions, I've been out of AETC less than a year still.
Heh. I know a couple of Loads that may have acted like that at 4, they sure as hell could have done that now. Our country just gets stranger and stranger...
Not sure exactly what you mean here, actually, you probably literally mean, sandbag duty, but have you also heard aircrew members are pulling force protection duties now, too? That's right...
He's dated lots of hot celebs, and had even more hot chicks throw themselves at him... It's probably partially money, and partially that whole chicks like bad boys thing...
Yar! and we just got the edition from the 23rd here. I anybody could post the article that'd be awesome. Oh, and ###### yo' reflective belt.