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Everything posted by xaarman

  1. https://www.au.af.mil/au/dlmasters.asp As said above, Masters progress is a strat'able item for the Captains board.
  2. Blues Monday is literally Schwartz's legacy.
  3. Sit back and enjoy the ride, it's a great course.
  4. Funny, that was my response as well. The military's abstinence-only approach to sport bike riding just doesn't work. I told them to contact me (as they asked) at the end of the survey as I would love to assist in developing a meaningful, practical and safe program to sport bike riding but haven't gotten any response. edit: On an unrelated note, anyone been to Hallett Motor Racing Circuit about 80 miles east of Vance AFB?
  5. Really interesting video/documentary on the IOM TT by of all people, Al Jazeera: Anyone else get a survey a couple weeks ago asking your opinion on three sport bike safety videos?
  6. My old college friend is an editor at Motor Trend and they are interested in doing a story on the new Camaro chase cars Beale is purchasing. He was wondering if you guys have any contacts for this that could get the ball rolling. He says, and I quote "If it helps, the video host we'd send is hot." If you don't want to post the info publicly, you can PM me.
  7. In my first "welcome to the squadron" meeting with the CC, he had a print out of my SURF. We went through it line by line and everything that needed to be corrected was highlighted. The more I read these stories, the more I realize how helpful that actually was.
  8. For anyone wondering the solution to my original problem, the reg is 30 days return from a deployment to a PCS. Anything sooner requires a waiver.
  9. I rarely post, but choke yourself.
  10. The pilot in our sq who is doing T-6s @ Pensacola (joint spouse) had PIT dates to Randolph...
  11. Good recap of his AFA speech here: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2012/09/air-force-mark-welsh-outlines-foundational-missions-091812/ Overall, meh.
  12. My bad, it's a 12th AF SII.
  13. So back on topic, is this the reason for ACCs new CRM SII?
  14. Does anyone have any update on the PIT Pads, specifically what happened to them all? www.aviatorpalace.com is down - any experience with https://www.randolphpitpad.com/ ?
  15. Sheppard Air has a good FAQ, and has this as one of their questions: https://www.sheppardair.com/Answer11.htm
  16. Reposting this so it doesn't get lost...
  17. Question: Is there a min time allowed between returning from a deployment and when you leave for a TDY en route to a PCS? Also, are holidays factored into it? It's looking like I may get back in mid Dec and TDY en route class starts Jan 15th. I am concerned because of the Christmas/New Years holidays. Do you think this will be a problem? I am single with no family in the area. Also, I scoured 36-2110 but didn't see anything.
  18. This. It's not about "I'm too tired to fly from working on my Masters", it's a slow deterioration of airmanship over time. I am not going to second guess these guys but I will be eagerly awaiting the SIB report, both for curiosuity and education.
  19. Don't forget 10 years of dividends.
  20. You don't need one. https://www.amazon.com/Four-Pillars-Investing-Building-Portfolio/dp/0071747052
  21. Completely unrelated, but it did neither. Skip to 1:16 for the fall out.
  22. It's about one 3 month deployment a year, not including good deal trips/TDYs.
  23. For those of us that completed the SOS via Correspondence course, with the changes and elimination of that course - was it a waste of time?
  24. Just a heads up through the email chain: From our shirt, an email chain forwarding: From the FSS Commander:
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