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  1. soo the new OTS website no longer has BOT or AMS links... it just has COT/OTS links and now there is a new 7 day "TFIT" (Total Force Indoc' Training) it isn't mandatory for ANG cadets. They still haven't added the syllabus to the site...
  2. does any one know which UPT got all vipers?
  3. all FYI 106th rescue wing.... hiring ... looking for CRO's HH60's pilots and HC-130 as well as flight surgeons ...... take look at their website scroll down.... at careers ....
  4. Anyone going to their FC1 in 2nd week of March?
  5. below is the news article... I also showed my recruiter lol, however I don't know if that helps accelerate things. https://www.afrc.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/136/Article/567504/ots-eliminates-component-distinctions.aspx
  6. armoredmoonman... I had this same exact problem ...!
  7. FYI.... no more AMS or BOT or reserve officer... all now OTS that's great now us guard guys can attend any of the classes which I am hoping happens, ive been waiting a while
  8. @bronxbomber ... yes it was miserable especially having all 4 out at the same time....
  9. Finally I can post! I was having trouble receiving my validation email. anyways hi all: I am Jon a pilot candidate for HC-130's (CSAR) for the NYANG. I currently work at a major legacy airline, in airline operations management for the last 5 years. feel free to ask those airline questions lol. I am currently in the pipeline. I have dates for my FC1 physical in march at wright pat. I stumbled upon a thread about wisdom teeth earlier, and it got me thinking. I never had mine pulled, nor did the ever bother me. My civilian dentist said, If they aren't causing me discomfort or pain then it wasn't worth the surgery. my 2 upper ones had stopped growing and did not erupt. my lower ones were partially erupted and one was slightly impacted, which was our concern. nevertheless I began investigating, and the regulations for the dental exam were written in a way where basically ... it was how the AF dentist felt and woke up that morning. I got them pulled a week ago, still recovering. Mother air force did not pay for it.. all out of pocket. Some tell me I should have waited for what the AF dentist told me some said they've gotten away with them.... I just had the get err' done attitude with them, and got them pulled. this was the #1 stressor for my FC1...2nd is my weight im 5lbs over my max 186 however I am well within body fat % and waist standards.
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