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FlyingBull last won the day on April 4 2011

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  1. This is all a moot point because the plane will be broken 90% of the time anyway. So really you need a small fleet of them to keep one available at all times, and thousands of MX.
  2. That will be relatively long term. Talons will be around for at least a decade before being replaced by the Commando. And Yes the EWO's are on the flight deck, right next to the Nav.
  3. I work for the people who have the biggest guns. Other than that I have a break bag packed (learned that one the hard way) and enough food/batteries/ect for the standard hurricane.
  4. Whenever the hands are in front of the digital numbers it can take a second to figure out what it underneath but it isn't completely covered. You know I forgot about the LED, it does leave a little to be desired. You can read the hands just fine, but the second read out with the LED is very difficult to see. In the plane I usually look at my watch with the lip light on.
  5. Wearing that watch right now. I love it, and living in Japan it is a nice bonus that it updates essentially anywhere in the world. It is also very durable, despite wearing it just about every workday for six months it still looks brand new.
  6. Hey, AFSOC is fucking special. Its in the name! But seriously as someone not stationed there but has visited a few times....Clovis sucks. But I have some really good friends stationed there and they are having a good time anyway. They would rather be somewhere else but they are very happy to have the opportunity to fly the mission they have, and there are some really good people in the communities that are stationed there.
  7. Holy shit. I'm an atheist and usually approve of what the MRRF does. But in this case they have gone completely off the deep end. I'm disappointed the Marines backed off so quickly.
  8. Why the fuck not? It's the Air Force flying some badass planes doing badass things. Fucking be happy about it. I am. Incase anyone bitches about cost, despite the entertaining details ("nearly 70 aircraft") there was some serious training accomplished. Why not in such a bitchin fashion? Basically I'm saying if you object to this, fuck off.
  9. I don't know about Shadows, but I assume it is similar to Talons. The answer is busy. Very busy.
  10. Chris Christie is an asshole. He's also disgustingly fat which doesn't help either.
  11. Atleast for the FY11 classes, crew position wasn't specified at Drop Night for RJ's and was supposed to be determined after folks showed up for the FTU. Buffs had a similar set up, but EC's and AC's specified Nav/EWO at the drop.
  12. Yes that's true. We have absolutely no interaction with the Navy despite CSO training being on a Navy base. The Air Force has their own ramp, airplanes, and buildings built specifically for the CSO program. It's an all Air Force program now. The only time I got to hang out with Ensigns was at the Officers Club.
  13. Maybe Air Force crews could do cross service assignments like with the Growler and Prowler since they're already trained to operate it?
  14. Good on ya for checking on it yourself. Glad it's been resolved.
  15. Sweet drop! Good to see the variety of platforms dropping now. Congrats to everyone in 12-05
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