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Everything posted by moosepileit

  1. Owned a 180 HP S1S for 12 years and 500 hours. 160hp is ok if you are FAA std 5-10 and 170# w/ your 15# chute on. 1/2 the value is the engine/prop, the other 1/2 is the airframe. Lyc's only go about 10 years before you have to worry about camshaft rot (sits above the crank in the air and rusts). I suggest a 5 yr since OH and about 300 hours since overhaul- that way you know if the motor's any good and should still show no wear- PM if you want details in pain- lucky for me, other's pain- I had a great motor. Empty weight is the next value- 800# or less is optimal, light is good. There are 2 fuselage lengths- the S1C or basic short fuselage- limit to also Std FAA sizes. The "long" or real S1S cockpit is longer- I am 6'1 and 230 in a chute and was ok w/ 3/4 tank of gas for acro w&b envelope. The type of prop and battery location are the biggest impacts you can change to W&B. Prop- fixed pitch is fine- you should get 125kt cruise at 2350 rpm w/ 76x60 prop if 180HP and a 1700' vertical line from a 180 MPH 2700 rpm 4 g pull. Round wings and 4 ailerons- need a little push inverted vs upright, but less than anything else under $100k. You can trim it out, but most trim for nuetral pitch at 170-180 mph so you know when to pull after downlines. Spins- inverted is safer than upright- recovers quicker- get plenty of training- you won't like it at first, but a hammerspin can kill you, as will the crossover from upright to inverted. Bill Finagin on the East Coast by Annapolis is fine, again, PM for others or get on the IAC acro news list exploder. Roll rate- 240 deg/sec, better when snapping- you'll be the limiting factor for the first few hundred hours if you want gradeable quality. Paint- polyurethanes are hard to repair and when they start to crack and craze there is little you can do. The tailwheel part- well- I enjoyed the heck out of it- learned on 35' wide blacktop in an S2A, but started years back in gliders- stick, rudder, rudder, rudder.. Solo in an S1 is more fun than the S2s- they are all like trucks compared to the S1, though they may be really big 260+hp trucks. Front seat in an S2A or B is good training, but you really wear the S1s. Back seat S2 flying is not a great S1 simulator, but S2Bs and Cs do rock in their own way. Feel free to PM.
  2. Even Better, the DEL/building next to the bra where you buy your beverages is being RENOVATED/UPGRADED while "TRANSIENT" (Flying combat basic which is dumb for 69 reasons) still stay in the OLD leaking tents next to the correctional custody (coalition compound?) roadways. Your tax dollars at work. Keeping the skies safer. Heck, IFM doesn't even plan gas for weather/runway realities there, so why get a good night's sleep, especially in the middle of the day... I don't mean to kick anyone out of the trailers (as happened at Ali back in the day). But really, it's many years since the place opened. It's NOT like it's forward.
  3. Excuse me for jumping in. This isn't the high sector at UPT. Part 121 has to report RAs, period. It's in their FOMs. Heavies probably all have it too if you dig enough- either 97 or HATR. Keep it in the container. TAC Airlifter, your answer is yes. IFR, whether VMC or IMC (Do not confuse the rules and the flight vis. conditions)You WILL be following the RA, period. Normally, the climb or descent is gentle. A big violation in terms of climb, descent and speed (400 TAS min, right in this case? plus lots of VVI) will drive the TCAS nuts and the RA may seem to need enough pull or push to hurt someone in the airliner (SHOULD not really happen). If VMC and VFR, YMMV. Remember, ATC suppresses the mode 1200s, you have to ask about them sometimes- like getting a coastal visual into Patrick or similar. Fly safe, have fun when you can. I'm on mil leave from part 121 cargo, the one of the big 2 about to furlough... wthdik. I'm no Tim Martins...
  4. 150 or 180 HP? Both are nice. Make sure it is trimmed up to fly wings level in cruise- you can wash the wing struts or shim the aerodynamic shovels/spades. I had the keys to a NICE all electric IFR 180 hp Decathalon. The 180 HP fuel burn is a bit high, but if you have the budget, you will like it. No flaps on the one I flew, which I think is the norm, so you will miss on that part of slow flight and patterns/landings, stall recoveries, etc. The view over the nose is TOO GOOD to consider it a great tailwheel trainer- you don't need the peripheral scan in the flare of say a Pitts and the taxi obstruction clearance is pretty easy. You will learn stick and rudder. You can get into spins and unusual attitude recoveries. I started in an ASK-21 glider, a slick 2 place acro mount. I didn't know there was such a thing as aerobatics- I thought loops, spins and rolls were how you burned energy after thermaling when your nickel was up. A ten hour course in the Decath would be great at the right point. You may want to check the price and CFI availability compared to more traditional trainers. The CFI will have more to do with your outcome and maybe schedule than just the aircraft. Also, there may not be an examiner w/ a good schedule or WILLING to give you the checkride in the Decathalon. Without flaps the full PTS (practical test standards) may be seen as lacking. Do they have a Citabria? Those have flaps. I would start in a glider to at least solo, then get some Cub time, then do the PPL in a basic C-150 or C-152 as it really flies itself. Good luck!
  5. moosepileit

    C-17 Nordo

    See -1SS-215. 3Feb10. Should cover it. (It is an FCIF, same date.)
  6. moosepileit

    C-17 Nordo

    Well, I know Alec, sounds like just something he'd stumble in to. Yes, he's self-named after the TV show for real. Kinda like a goofy old episode of "SKY KING" where the gang used a Cessna twin to save the good people down below. The C-17 can have this issue, and it can be a pain. The "stay VMC and land" works ok, but doesn't get the mission very far. I'm sure this is a PA'd up version and I can't wait to track down Alec's version. He's a LM, Civilian Comm pilot and a mechanic. Don't give hime some duct tape and a pen gun flare.
  7. Sounds like KSTJ. Sad. Really- and I'm writing this from the base that started it all... Transient tent puke lurk mode back on.
  8. Well, we've got Finance Guy, maybe time to get a Legal guy on baseops- Seems some new rank-bearing anonymous type forgot the difference between quantity and quality(of leadership)and 1st Amendment vs. UCMJ. OK, rush back to your job, never dally when another bad leadership decision or indecision awaits.
  9. Zing- nice one. Guess you're never in a 2-holer, sts... Reminds me of my Pitts S1S days...
  10. I have to look it up again, but I believe our current generation of NVGs are believed to be improved enough that there is NO accounting on your eye wear and tear. The previous disability %/hrs was removed before I got on NVGs in 2002. Back/neck pain- see the attached link from India for an interesting read. https://www.isam-india.org/journals/viewabstract.php?journalid=131&yearid=25 There are disability %'s that CAN equate to FAA medical issues- you have to tell your FAA doc everything and work waivers and tests as needed. California and the FAA also busted a bunch of pilots w/ disability payouts and no claimed illness/injury history on their FAA medicals- affecting both their current work (loss of medical) and their payouts. Keep logging the actual NVG hours, but keep track of them yourself as I don't trust they are accurately input or maintained- along w/ your in command time that the USAF doesn't track for you from 781s...
  11. Aw, now you messed up how us heavies play tactics and intel!!! Only way to get us to study is to put the threat of the week on this week's sandwich coupon!! (and it is good eats!)
  12. NOT blue on blue and NOT herk v. barney. Making assumptions and not reading in context is not so smart.. Again, be careful who's back you piss on today, could be tomorrows' bro. Crewdog v. claimed teabagger, period. 1v1, full up internet muscles on. First post from longtime lurker... Was I in error? If it was out of context and didn't happen as posted, then choose text and context more carefully. 10% true the first time doesn't count here.... Undrift- I carry a coin from the good folks at Pope, the ones that run JFEX, from planning conference #1 to last gear in the well on the way home... and I don't mean Mr. Luther... One of my more prized tokens from years of many long weeks and nights... Glad to hear good news for Pope folks.
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