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  1. I have a similar question. I have a perfectly clean slate, no criminal record, not even a speeding ticket. However, my mom's brothers have done some bad things over the years and have been in Jail several times. I have heard this could affect me joining some some Police Departments and some Fire Departments but would my idiot relatives records affect me joining the military in anyway?
  2. WOW! The only thing I knew about O'Grady was from a documentary I saw on History Channel years ago. Wow this hole thread was an eye opener. I guess it goes to show you the public perception of a person is a lot of times different from what really goes on.
  3. Serious question. How do you pilots deal with serious problems at home while deployed or on duty (for lack of a better term). Serious problems such as terminally sick relatives or perhaps idiot family members who are always in trouble or perhaps financial trouble or other relatives who are going through hard times? Does it add to the stress? How do you deal with it exactly? I guess I'm one of those guys who likes to be in control and I get frustrated when bad things happen that I have absolutely no control over. I kind of wonder how an Air Force pilot would deal with this.
  4. But that's what frustrates me the most about the public speaking class! I did exactly what the professor said. He said write and give a speech about whether you believe in hate crimes or not. It was choice. Yet I didn't and I was considered wrong, though it was an opinion based assignment. I guess I just have trouble getting use to how PC college is. I'm doing well in my business classes (I have A's in them so far) and I find the Business Communications class I'm taking easy. I know I can get all A's in my business classes. I simply just wanted to know if those B's and C's in my Gen Eds would matter in the future when a guard or reserve unit looks at my transcript. The two A's I got recently pulled my GPA up. I know I can do well do well in these business classes and get all A's. Sorry if I'm sounding so rude or whinny. I'm guess I'm frustrated (a lot of family issues going on at home) and I don't think taking it out on random strangers on the internet is going to help. (Especially on strangers who are suppose to help).
  5. Well I don't find actual public speaking hard. I find college public speaking hard. I'm perfectly ok with talking in front of a group of people. I did it in CAP in high school and I did playing roller hockey in front of my team. But in college you have to put a lot of emotion into your speaking (if you don't minus 5 points), you have to begin with good intros (if the professor didn't like it again minus 5 points) and you have to give speeches on the topics the professor decides on which were usually progressive view points. Our final had to be on whether or not we believe in hate crimes. Me being the only half Hispanic in a class full of 100% white people that I don't believe in the government definition of a hate crime. The idea that when a white guy hits a black guy (even if he is defending himself) is considered racist I think is BS. My Hispanic mom is from the ghettos of North Jersey. She seen all the crap the Hispanic gangs do to each other. Its not only white people that hate other races, Puerto Ricans hate Dominicans, Dominicans hate Cubans, who hate Peruvians, etc. Which is why after high school she moved to South Jersey and married my Irish/Italian father. (Irish and Italians commit crime in a far more organized manor lol). I included all of this in my speech and still got a C on it! The professor (who's 100% white) even wrote on my script that my view points seemed a little racist.. So instead of getting an A I got a low B for my overall grade. (I checked just now its actually a B not a C for my overall grade). It was computer applications that I got the other C. (Which was my fault since I didn't take it seriously and skipped a few times to work extra hours to buy my car). Please tell me UPT isn't like that.
  6. Well so far I've only taken 2 actually business classes (I'm taking my 3rd right now) and I got A's in both of them (91 in Intro to Business and 95 in Intro to Entrepreneurship). I just found classes such as english, music (needed it for an art credit) and public speaking hard. When it came to music I still couldn't understand whether a song was homophonic, monophonic, extraphonic (I made that one up). Basically you had to listen to a classical song, identify if it was one of those things and write a paper on why you think it is this phonic. If you get it wrong, 50% off. I ended up with a C. Then I found public speaking hard, I just wasn't good at giving speeches got a low b. I find the Gen eds stressful, even with going to the student help center on campus. Believe Im not a big gamer or drinker. I basicily go to school, work 20 hours a week and take care of my 80 year old grand mother. I'm not privileged like most kids my age.
  7. How do they look at your college GPA when it comes to making a selection. Do they simply look at your overall GPA and that's it or do they analyze each individual class when they receive your transcript? Right now my GPA is only 2.87 mostly do to the fact in my Gen Ed classes I have gotten straight B's and two C's (In Music and Public Speaking). Would they see these grades and would it effect them> However, I think I can pull my GPA up when I take only my Business classes (I'm a business Admin major) because in my first two business classes I got pretty high A's. I have only two gen ed classes left. So If I do well in all of my business courses and my GPA is 3.5 or better would that be all that matters? I'm guess I am asking because I find my gen ed classes harder than my major courses, especially that Music course which was probably the hardest class I have ever taken.
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