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  1. Got the Vmpf notification today, it's exciting to see the base and class date listed officially :)
  2. My physical specified that I needed to go the medical TDY, even though I have no waivers and there was nothing that came up during the exam. The PSDM states that if you have a PPL you don't need to go to IFS, which to me indicates that if you don't have it you'll have to go. No idea how that's scheduled though. Edit: carmin you beat me to the IFS info, sorry for repeating it!
  3. Can't hurt to ask your sq/cc and see if they can work something out. Maybe we'll end up in the same place, I got it too :)
  4. I don't reccommend trying to get a hold of him personally, even my wing execs didn't get a response for two weeks! As for the TFCSD, each year's PSDM has a different date that is based on and clarifies the requirements in the AFI. I know several people who successfully had these waivers written and it wasn't an issue for them. If you're want more details pm me your .mil address and I can send you their ETP memos. It has the format, signature routing, etc. I'm sure your sq/og execs will appreciate you giving them a good product to review :)
  5. If it's actually going to be released this week then sq/cc should be finding out tomorrow or the day after: fingers crossed!!
  6. Very true, all this conflicting info people are getting from them seems to amount to a giant chaff cloud. I'll do my best to sit tight for at least another week before starting to worry :)
  7. Seconded; expecting anything earlier from AFPC is probably a good way to get let down.
  8. It was very vague, it asked if I was/was not a volunteer for enjjpt and stated that a response either way wouldn't effect chances of being picked up for UPT; which seems like something they would have asked before the 215 put combined them. As far as I'm aware you couldn't not apply for ENJJPT on the new one.
  9. Speaking of ENJJPT, has anyone received an email from AFPC asking if they were a volunteer for it? The email also specifically stated no UPT selection decision had been made, even though it was sent after the board, which seemed weird.
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