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Everything posted by mp5g

  1. I think they are really focusing on the known bad dudes they talked about in the press leading up to the election (murderers, child rapists, gang members, etc) and getting them booted from the country. Once they begin the second phase of finding people here illegally that are workers just trying to make a way in life, and they get push back from those politicians and others trying to hinder their efforts, I predict a few high profile arrests and charges to get people’s attention. Sometimes you gotta let the kids touch the hot stove to learn the lesson.
  2. It’s so easy guys: Why don’t we just give UPT over to DOGE? Surely Elon can right this ship. /s
  3. Learjet 55 crashed in Philadelphia. A plane crashed into a neighborhood in Philadelphia on Friday night, leaving multiple homes on fire. ABC 6 Action News reported that the plane was a “small plane,” although no specifics were given about the number of people on board or the type of aircraft. The crash happened in an area in the north-eastern part of the city just shortly after 6 p.m. The report said that the plane appeared to hit “several buildings and cars in the area” and that multiple casualties have been reported.
  4. What about dual qual’ing IPs in a T-7/T-38 and their MWS to take on that plan at an actual base? Would you then be able to use the studs as perma Red Air for the first 1-2 years so they can learn tactics of their MWS they are going to while also being a part of the flying squadron and gaining ass in seat time? Think the F-22/T-38 dudes for the last 10-12 years. I would have loved the option to dual qual in multiple planes. That just means more opportunity to fly and gain experience. We often ran into issues trying to go cross country these past few years (PL3 ramps, FOD of unswept ramps, get your JOAP samples burned, to name a few) but if we would’ve been able to go wherever we wanted with an easy to maintain plane with few restrictions on where it could be parked overnight, sign me up for that any day of the week.
  5. https://www.ctpost.com/realestate/article/passive-house-survives-fire-in-california-how-20034706.php Nice article that talks about why Passive house design helps with wildfires. It’s not only the house but some of the managing characteristics of the lawn that also help. “To reduce or even eliminate the need for heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer, a passive house is built airtight, using strong exterior insulation, triple-pane windows, and construction methods that ensure no heat is transferred across the exterior of the building. No outdoor air seeps in, and no indoor air escapes. This airtight construction is one of the reasons the house could withstand a blaze. As Bloomberg reported, the house does not have eaves, overhangs, or attic vents “to allow sparks to get inside the roof, which is metal, with a fire-resistant underlayment.” Airtight construction helps stop embers from being sucked into building envelopes,” says Semke. “Simpler forms (fewer zigs and zags, bump-outs, etc.) mean fewer nooks and crannies for embers to take hold, plus less overall surface area exposed to fire risk.”
  6. Makes me remember fondly the one and only time in 2018 when I was given Type 3 control after a dude stepped on an IED and the GFC wanted the city block leveled. It was definitely the unicorn and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but the absolute authority to sling hate for the following 20 minutes was glorious.
  7. They don’t really believe that. If they did, then people like Chuck Schumer wouldn’t have been sitting next to and getting roasted by Trump at the Al Smith Charity dinner a week and a half ago. It’s all fear mongering to drive up the vote. The disassociated voter doesn’t know policy positions or even that much about the daily interactions and gaffes, blunders, or mess ups of either candidate. But I’d venture to say that most everyone knows about Hitler and the Nazi’s (I say most because sometimes I’m still floored by people’s ignorance). And most know that Hitler/Nazi’s = bad. If you can say it enough, people may start believing it because they’ve heard it 1,000x. My opinion at least, and we all know what opinions are like.
  8. Yeah man, one of my favorites as a kid too. I don’t think Rob Schneider gets enough credit in that movie either.
  9. Such an on the nose reminder of what people are capable of when the government bureaucracy gets taken out of the process. I don’t know what it was like in the ‘60s to watch the leaps and bounds that NASA made towards manned space flight on the way to the Lunar landings, but I feel immense pride in watching SpaceX demonstrate good old American ingenuity. I love the “chip on the shoulder” attitude that we’re gonna do something completely unheard of in the history of the world. And why, because F*** you, we can.
  10. Completely agree Clark. And to add, I’ve believed for years that one of the reasons we are in this current predicament socially is that people have gotten used to constantly taking from this country and never giving back. They’ve got no skin in the game in striving to continue making this country the greatest country in the world. They will take and take and take and worry about only themselves instead of the greater good. I firmly support mandatory service of some sort. That doesn’t have to be military service akin to the Israeli model, but serving in any type of service that benefits the country you belong to should be a requirement. Forestry service, serving in the Red Cross, counting the number of wild pheasants, whatever the need, people should be expected to serve in some capacity. I won’t go full Robert Heinlein, but on a personal note, I do think serving in the military to become a a full fledged “citizen” would do a number for this country. Just imagine if the people who ran our country were forced to serve in some capacity before they took political office. More skin in the game would at least open up conversations that seem to be overlooked. “Citizenship is an attitude, a state of mind, an emotional conviction that the whole is greater than the part...and that the part should be humbly proud to sacrifice itself that the whole may live.“ - Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers
  11. From my other A&M bros and unfortunately, it seems to be the theme:
  12. If you are in on base housing, your BAH will magically match what the on base housing rate is. 12 years ago at CAFB, it was something like $850 / month, and the dudes that lived in dorms on base as single guys were paying all of it for bullshit dorm rooms that I wouldn’t have wanted to spend more than $300 / month on. It may be different now, but as a reservist I was allowed to live off base from the start of UPT. In regards to your lease question, the AF will pay you BAH, period dot. If you are in on base housing, see above. If not, you can use your BAH as you see fit, but you will still owe the rent for your lease back home as well as wherever you decide to rent at UPT.
  13. Agreed. Reading a book right now titled Blood Money. It researches how China has been pulling strings within our society to weaken America without truly confronting America, and the absolute silence it garners from bureaucrats and politicians in Washington. Highly recommend. Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans Peter Schweizer
  14. https://viewfromthewing.com/airline-feud-escalates-united-pilots-barred-from-southwest-airlines-jump-seats-after-controversial-incident/ “A newer hire at United jumpseated on SWA recently from SFO-SAN and after the flight was over, decided she would notify the FAA on the inadequacies of the crew whose jumpseat they graciously offered.”
  15. If I remember correctly, when I went to UPT at Columbus, my wife stayed home in Dallas. I filed a waiver for BAH for the higher cost of living area (Dallas) and it was passed without no issue. Of course this was over 10 years ago, so things may have been changed but that was the only hardship we had to prove.
  16. We’ve seen this before. Godspeed Protagonist. I hope your quest for the algorithm goes according to your future plan.
  17. Me: “Hello.” All posts since 17 hrs ago: “Yeah?!?” Me: “Umm..I’m here to read about China & Chinese Shenanigans.”
  18. I think it’s obviously a movie about how amazing Texas is at having to rescue California. Obviously the state with an unending amount of firearms is going to have to lend some support to the West Coast as they’ve been slowly bled of their constitutional right to bear arms and were in the early stages of being overrun until Texas supplied them with an influx of arms via Mexico (the border is way, way open in this film). Really, now that I think about it, this is a movie about the second forming of an independent Texas nation, and they view California as an easy land grab for the natural resources. It makes way too much sense. /s
  19. I think that the real issue is that kids today just don’t have any idea who Doug Masters was or what he did for his family and country. Obviously we need a refreshed Iron Eagle movie to appeal to these youngins. Make Samuel L Jackson the new Chappie.
  20. The first dude that was indispensable in our unit, showed up on his first Drill after being “retired” for about 4-5 (I.e. 6-9) months, and was handed a C-bag with all his Chem gear in it for an exercise we were having. He looked at the OG and said, I’m not doing this. Quit that weekend to never come back and has forever lived in infamy.
  21. Didn’t the Navy EP-3, back in 2001 technically have the first Air to Air kill against China? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hainan_Island_incident
  22. “Mr. President, we must not allow a balloon gap!”
  23. mp5g


    Ah, takes me back to Distance Learning ACSC, Afghanistan ‘18. I decided that after hacking the mish, turning bad guy bodies into pink mist, then coming back and having to discuss “use of force” or “diplomatic resolutions” with a bunch of noners and civilians was pissing me off to no end, literally wanting to make me go out and kill someone. Trump was happy to oblige with the ROE and ISIS. I didn’t sign up for another course until rotating back home.
  24. Ours are all Title 32 with a Title 10 overlay if the horn goes off.
  25. We have some ACA AGR’s but most of the guys that contribute are on ADOS. None of the ACA type orders (AGR or ADOS) have been USERRA exempt for us. However, some dudes have submitted their ADOS orders through Reduced Retirement and have had luck getting them approved. I really think that simply comes down to who is reviewing your order sets on any given day. But like SocialID said, what’s a brother gotta do to get some USERRA exempt ONE orders?
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