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Everything posted by mp5g

  1. I got a physical date of 25 Apr 2011, but it was through NGB. Don't know if it makes that much of a difference or not.
  2. Yeah, both of those positions, or rather all three (FE, Loadmaster, and Life Support) will give you face time with pilots. ARMS does that as well. The two things I would say you need to consider are this: 1) Your age. I mentioned it before, but you are 25, like I was when I enlisted. The window to get to pilot training is getting smaller by the day. I don't know if you are looking Guard/Reserve, or Active, but you are more than likely going to have a delayed entry into the Air Force. For Guard, I was delayed 9 months before I was sent to BMT (which is 8.5 weeks). I’m not sure about the timeframe on the Active side of things. So that already puts you that much closer to the age cut-off for UPT. Plus, on top of that, you have to then go to Tech School, which again, for me in the Guard, I had a split option (meaning that I came home from BMT) and had to wait 6 months until my school opened and I could attend a 6 week course. Active/Reserve, from what I’ve seen go straight from BMT to Tech. Now the two jobs you mentioned, Loadmaster (has a Tech School length of 59 class days, which does not include weekends) and Flight Engineer has a Basic FE course that lasts 6 months at Lackland, plus the additional survival training that is required (all pulled off of usmilitary.com). All of this training adds up and once again, puts you right up against the age cut-off for UPT. 2) Now the other thing I would consider is picking a job that you are okay with even if the UPT thing doesn’t work out. Many have mentioned it before and I’m sure you have read, that going into a shop just shouting that “you want to be a pilot and that this is only a stepping stone in your career,” is a quick ticket to being labeled a douche. You need to enjoy your job, and do it to the best of your ability to send out the right type of message. If you think that you won’t be happy sitting behind a desk and doing admin work, then do not choose ARMS. Pick something that you can look back in 4-6 years and still enjoy doing. Hope this gives you some direction. For my situation, I chose ARMS because I like the work. But it was also a quick Tech School, and it gave me face time with the pilots. I knew that I wanted to get to BMT, Tech, and back as quickly as possible so I could start getting that face time, and making a name for myself. If you have any other questions, just let me know.
  3. I was 26 when I enlisted in my unit, for all of the same reasons. My unit has been very up front with me, however, in letting me know that I am able to apply anywhere and everywhere to try and get a Pilot slot. I was DEP for about 10 months, and I still went on 2 interviews, while waiting to go to Basic. Now that I've finished Basic and Tech, I am still able to apply anywhere I wish, and if selected, would be released to that unit. I think you should be fine if that is what you are really leaning towards, but just be sure that if you enlist, and you are not selected for a pilot slot or any other rated position, that you are okay with your decision to serve. Nobody would want someone whining for the next 4 years of their enlistment because they didn't get what they wanted in terms of jobs. Lastly, as you are in the same age boat as I was, be sure to pick a Tech School that is SHORT in duration. I chose Aviation Resource Management, which if you saw the earlier posts in this forum, was previously called Operations Resource Management. 6 weeks of school, and I was done, back getting face time with the pilots, in Ops.
  4. I second what C17Driver stated. I'm in Tech School currently (trying to get the Pilot Slot soon though), and we have had briefs left and right informing us that if you fail, or washback in training, you are very likely to get completely separated from the Air Force due to a manning swell. I think they are trying to get rid of about 1300 enlisted people, and somewhere along the lines of 4400 Officers (if I remember the articles and memos well enough). Hope the info is useful.
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