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  1. This is a little nuanced, but when the calculation for a FERS retirement looks at your military time, is it just Active Duty (RegAF/MPA/RPA/AT/Contingency/etc.) or do UTAs/IDTs get added to the calculation?
  2. I am looking for an AGR, but in this case it’s that I may have a great opportunity available. At the moment however, it’s an ART billet. I currently have a civilian job which I’d like to keep protected if possible. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  3. So a year or two ago there was a lot of publicity about converting more of the force to AGRs. Has that taken root at all? This is specific to AFRC, though I’d heard that ANG was already going down that path. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  4. How much flexibility does a unit have in changing the status of a position, specifically ART to AGR? Is that something that's easy enough IF the Wing leadership supports it, or a NAF/MAJCOM type approval? I fully understand there's different pots of money, and different manpower authorizations involved, but I'm not plugged into the nuances of the A1 world enough to know how easy/hard that is.
  5. Anybody with recent experience know how long it takes to get your medical reviewed at AFRC/SG in order to transition, assuming nothing contentious? PC just got approved, I just want to make sure terminal leave doesn’t get pushed back by waiting on that. And if things do get backed up, does that hold up going on terminal, or just coming back on Reserve duty? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  6. Anybody PC’d from an IDE in-res commitment? If so, any idea how much the pro-rated recoupment is? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  7. Anybody here had one of the accompanied assignments at Al Udeid? If so, I had a few questions about family living in Doha.
  8. It seems like it’s hard to find good gouge for an AD retirement from AFRC, so this one’s even harder. For someone who gets into AGR territory where they can claim sanctuary and make it to 20+ years AD, what are the options from there? Are they required to take the AD retirement then, or can they defer that and return to service as a TR? More importantly, can they draw an AD retirement after that, or is it take an AD retirement when leaving AGR status or not at all?
  9. For an FCII, are there any issues with bone spurs, provided there’s no functional impairment? In other words, with no impairment to mobility/function/range of motion, any need to do anything? In med-speak, I think this would be for a "tarsal boss".
  10. Have you guys had to do a VA medical when transferring from AD (assuming no break in service between AD and ANG/AFRC)?
  11. Trying to make sure I understand the finer points of ANG/AFRC retirement policies. If this has already been asked/answered, please vector me onto this. I know that someone who has 20+ years of service qualifies for a retirement at age 60 (minus activated time in the ARC in 3-month blocks). My understanding is that if someone completes a total of 20+ years of active service between AD and/or on orders/AGR in the ARC, they qualify to draw retirement pay at the time of their retirement. (I.e., 16 years active component + 4 years on full time orders). Is this correct? I know having 7200+ points isn’t sufficient for an AD retirement without 20 years active service, and serving in an ART status as a GS is a whole other system. Just want to make sure I’m tracking correctly on how this works.
  12. This is a hypothetical, but wondering if anyone can shed light on it. If someone is medically retired from the Reserves, how does the rule set vary from AD? For instance, if someone is medically separated with 18 years service (for example) from AD, once all the wickets are worked through, they may be eligible for immediate retired pay at some multiplier based on their years of service and calculated disability. On the Reserves side, how would that work? Would they be eligible for some immediate retired pay, or would that wait until age 60? What if they’ve reached 20 years of AD time? (I’d assume immediate in that case) Like I said, this is all a hypothetical. I’m at 14 yearsish now, and considering if there’s a safety net factor that changes there. Thanks.
  13. Thanks, sent you a PM.
  14. Has anyone on here had any experience dealing with PVCs or PACs (heart rhythm ectopy) either from the flyer or flight medicine side of things?
  15. Here's a question for OSSers/Airfield Management-savvy types: Once an 1801 is filed, does a record copy of that go in "the system" (I'm sure there's a better name for that, but I have no idea what it is)? In other words, does the FAA and/or ICAO equivalents ever get the full contents of the form, or just the pertinent route/speed/altitude data to generate the strip? More specifically, if the PIC block is ever filled in as anything other than "On File", does that go outside of military channels?
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