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  1. Did they put you into the REACT study for abnormal corneal topography?
  2. Guard non-prior: August 2015 - Selected September 2015 - MEPS December 2015 - Sworn in July 2016 - FC1/MFS August 2016 - FC1 approved by AETC January 2017 - TFIT/TFOT June 2017 - IFS August 2017 - ENJJPT PM me if we might be in the same class!
  3. I'm in the same boat. The generals need to sign at the wing level and higher (eventually even up to the TAG). I finished my FC1 in July and my packet hasn't gone to NGB yet. I just hope the January TFOT classes don't fill up by then.
  4. Wow... you went to FC1 last week and you already got your dates dropped? Are you ANG? Or Reserve?
  5. I got that email (it was only for fighter guys I think). They revised the email and it is no longer a priority as the regular AF has taken some of the slots instead. Therefore, no big push anymore to send guys to the 9/21 iteration... too bad.
  6. Got it. I was under the impression that the NGB packet needed the AETC-approved FC1 with it to schedule dates. Thanks for clearing up the mud!
  7. Anybody know what the FY17 ENJJPT class dates are?
  8. Anybody know what the process is for the medical packet for guard guys after FC1/MFS at wright-pat? I know it goes from wright-pat (ACS) to AETC, but not sure if it goes to NGB for approval then your guard unit or what. Also, @DeltaTango, how did you find out when your packet was sent and approved by NGB?
  9. Got it. So the swearing in process for the guard is in conjunction with MEPS, correct? I'm guessing you're sworn in as an E-3? Do you have to get a CAC card after you swear in?
  10. Makes sense. Didn't know you just needed the prescription to get me to 20/20... everything I've seen stated you usually conduct the vision tests (color, depth, etc.) with corrective lenses during FCI. Good to know though. Thanks as always!
  11. how much does a first class medical typically cost?
  12. Do I need to correct my vision to 20/20 during MEPS in order to qualify for FC1/MFS? Or can I update my prescription for FC1 as long as I pass accession standards in MEPS? I'm just not sure if my new prescription would come in time for MEPS that's why.
  13. Are you (docs at MEPS or local ANG flight surgeon) able to submit a waiver if detected in MEPS? Or can the flight/vision waiver process only start post FC1?
  14. How long does it typically take to receive an approved astigmatism waiver (from when they submit it at MFS)?
  15. What are the typical scores needed to be competitive for ENJJPT? Are there any other factors for selection outside of PCSM and AFOQT scores?
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