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    Green Bay, WI

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Good technique by the E-dub, 3 hours of pattern work is enough dammit, especially after that last one by the co-pilot where we bounced 50ft off the front tires!
  2. Great advice until they turn your F-16 guard unit into a MQ-9 unit...
  3. I know a bunch of fliers who went Navy to Air Force, never heard of one going Air Force to Navy.
  4. Variable rate is safe assuming you can sell the house. Don't forget to figure into your assumptions that the realtors will take 6-7% of the house when you sell it. Assuming a 200k house, that won't appreciate in 3 years - $14000 is a crapload for a house you lived in for only 3 years. USAA not impressed with either, as a single, 20 year Major with no bills they wouldn't sign off on my loan request because I had no credit (zero debt, pay cash for everything). So I told them to eff-off and paid cash for my house in Vegas.
  5. Always wondered what that old F-105 display was every time I saw it in among a bunch of junk in the RV storage lot on Nellis. Figured it was just an old diplay from in front of T-bird hanger. Can't believe a memorial was just thrown among the trash back there. Reminds me of a story about some shoeclerk wanting to fix the holes on the headquarters building at Hickam, unaware of the fact that they were bullet holes from the Japs.
  6. Spanish prostitutes ordered to wear reflective vests for their own safety... https://www.telegraph...own-safety.html
  7. Providing ISR porn to a bunch of Colonels and Generals is bad enough, imagine the pain of providing it to politicians and FEMA bureaurocrats.
  8. Find some old crusty Major who has some woodworking skills that has no additional duties to build one after he finishes the bar. Oh, that's right he didn't have his Master's degree and didn't make Lt.Col so we kicked him out.
  9. I would like to see them run against each other. A debate between the two on who is the Air Force poster girl would be awesome. I suggest TomChuck as the moderator.
  10. You only get the weight of your household goods. No cars, car dolly's, RV's, campers, etc. Also the reg changed a few years back on trailers you own. Only small single axle trailers can be considered in your weight, multi axle car/bike trailers you don't get weight credit for - cost's too much I guess for them to pay for 3000 extra pounds.
  11. From my paperwork: "the law requires that you retire no later than 30 Nov 2011". That date has already been uploaded into my Personnel Data System on AF Portal.
  12. All Majors will be allowed to go to 20 if twice passed over. If you have more than 20, you are getting the boot. I have almost 23 in due to 9 yrs prior enlisted and just got the bombshell yesterday. I have to retire by 30 Nov 11. Crazy, since I just PCS'd and completed MQ-9 FTU 8 months ago and was suppose to be on the pilot bonus for another 2.5 more years. I'm not really all that pissed, just hate not being in the driver's seat for such a huge life changer. Good thing I'm single and don't have a family.
  13. Pretty much any formal training will give you an ADSC. If they spend the money to train you, they are going to get their money’s worth. In my case I have 22 yrs in and headed off to the Reaper - that will give me a 36 month ADSC after training is complete (25 total). The really crazy thing is for a lot of formal schools even if you don't complete, get washed out, or some admin snafu where you don't meet qualifications and get kicked out half way through (don’t ask me how I know), etc you still end up with the ADSC (I think that is to keep guys from showing up and quitting or retiring half way through). Weapon’s school, PCS moves, even crap like using Tuition Assistance at the Ed center will incur an ADSC. There are a ton of scams to keep their hooks in you. On a side note, you will also notice how the 10 yr commitment affected this year’s pilot bonus. It has changed to guys with less than 15 years total service time. Basically, you will get your first bonus at 11 years, then at 16 years they figure who the hell will get out so…no bonus for you!
  14. NAVY - 225 years of tradition unhampered by progress. I know of a ton of Navy guys who get out and join the Air Force to fly - either active or Guard/Reserve. Never heard of an Air Force guy joining the Navy to fly. Must mean something...
  15. I vaguely recall an urban legend of a T-38 ejection with aircraft righting itself after first guy getting out. Pilot still onboard flies back to base minus 1. Anybody know of any truth to this?
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