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A man for all seasons

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Everything posted by A man for all seasons

  1. Didn't Biden have TWO military sons? One of which received a direct commission at age 43? Wonder what he learned from Hunter's military experience.
  2. Thank you Amy! A couple of years ago, I spoke with the NBKC VP of sales during my initial mortgage application and he assured me that my experiences with their two customer loan officers was atypical. He asked me if I wanted him to personally handle the matter or to pass it on to someone else. I asked that he handle it. An hour later I received a call from a loan officer that told me he was now assigned to my account. I asked what happened to the VP handling it personally....and was told he was too busy. Moved on to a different mortgage company. Despite that experience, filled out an IRRRL online inquiry about a week ago.....still no return call. Thanks again for the offer of help.
  3. Anyone have a good experience with a lender for an IRRRL loan...other than Trident or NBKC? I used NBKC two mortgages ago and have had real issues with getting a return calls from them. Currently going through the process with Trident.....but they seem overwhelmed and not very interested in letting me know what/when the process will be complete. I really think that I need to "shop" them and see if I can get a better deal. Wife and I both have 750+ credit scores and no late payments. Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions.
  4. Thanks. It will be interesting to see if the AF actually sticks with that plan or extends it. Do you know whether any of these RPA people are getting written guarantees to return after X number of years?
  5. Two per class for one year. Correct?
  6. I know they changed for the 2015 Class......and I think it was the smallest class in the last 15 - 20 years.
  7. I don't think USAFA needs to motivate cadets to choose a pilot AFSC. As a matter of fact there are more that choose rated than get slots. I also think IFT is still doing most of what it was designed for. Those that go there and discover: A. they don't actually enjoy flying B. don't have the aptitude for it C. Can't handle the training will leave (or be forced to leave) before UPT. I don't believe that the little extra "hand holding" during IFT is going to have an overall detrimental effect on the UPT grad rates.
  8. According to the "memo". "Questions: As always if anyone has any questions or concerns please let us know and we will try to address them as best we can and promise to provide the full extent of available information as soon as we have it. Please funnel them through your respective flight commander and we will pass them up the chain. Additional details received over the comings weeks/months will be passed on as we receive the information. Several questions were asked this morning that are all still unknowns: Unknown - If RPA career is chosen and opportunity to switch to manned cockpit is not taken, does this remove the opportunity of "aviation continuation pay," a benefit of up to $25,000 a year that's currently restricted to manned aircraft pilots only. Unknown - Will the pilot commitment change if we are switched to an unmanned RPA career field or will the 10 year UPT commitment remain unchanged. Unknown - Are we considered temporary RPA pilots or since this is a first assignment are we considered permanent RPA pilots? Will our AFSC change to 18X and at what point? Current distribution can be seen below but actual designation is currently unknown. Unknown - How long does one tour consist of, are we talking 2,3,4 or maybe 6 years?"
  9. I read somewhere that the bottom two are not neccesarily the ones that will be given RPAs. Supposedly the AF is trying to avoid the missileer fiasco by not scraping the bottom. Not sure if it's correct.....perhaps someone with insight into the recent RPA drops could validate?
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