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Everything posted by BANDIT_K

  1. @UCThopeful If I was a bettin man I’d put my money on you getting that CSO slot. For whatever that’s worth lol.
  2. Best of luck brother. Gotta feel good knowing your the only push from the wing ! Last year no one from my entire OG made it out of the wing but this year I made the cut…right before I left said wing…go figure lol. So I’m stoked to even have my name in the hat. So I’m assuming you are either global hawk or AFSOC push? since I know 432 has many who apply/get pushed.
  3. I would think of it less as us RPA dudes jumping ship and more of us just trying to jump on other opportunities. Flying Reapers has been the best job I’ve ever had hands down. But I love flying and it was my goal to fly manned since I began seeking a career in the Air Force. So anyone who is applying for RPAs and gets picked up it’s still a fantastic job. And arguably still probably the most likely to have first hand effects on the battle field.
  4. I may have one more chance to apply after this board but Itl be close to age limit. On a side note I’m Not trying to be the Debbie downer or bearer of bad news, and not sure which rated job you currently have, but rumor is at least for us RPA folk….that bonus is going away for those coming eligible in FY23. Now this is rumor mill intel so let’s all take it with a grain of salt. But more importantly let’s hope we all get picked up for whatever new job we are gunning for on this board!
  5. I know a guy who got a pilot slot on last years board who was not notified in person nor on the list when it dropped but was actually selected from the board. He found out days later I believe. Imagine that roller coaster of emotion lol.
  6. Not too bad now. Ask me come February when the list hasn’t been released and the CC still hasn’t called me into his office lol.
  7. It is crazy to know that the selects are probably (mostly) selected at this moment. Been trying to apply for 4+ years now and finally got my app in so I’m grateful to be in the pool. Good luck to everyone!
  8. I know that the instrument training in RIQ is fulfilling a FAA mandate so that 18x Pilots can "legally" fly within the US airspace. But lets pause for a moment to think about the fact that now the only training you get before the FTU will be simulator T-6 instrument training, versus actual PIC time in a single engine aircraft. Does this mean students will get academics on VFR flying at Randolph? If not, going directly to instrument training without the background knowledge of VFR and basic military flying seems pretty unreasonable to me. I don't want to say it...but if IFT does indeed get canxd for the 18x pipeline, we will be even further away from being pilots and getting real close to what rhymes with shmoperator.
  9. I had the same thoughts exactly. I'm curious to see how it effects the board and application process, as well as the potential slots if the board still remains. Cuts or boosts? Never can tell I suppose. As always...needs of the Air Force.
  10. I just hope it's not the end of the road for me and hope either a waiver or retest is possible. I passed the depth perception at MEPS and also just got my prescription renewed and had no problems with depth perception during the eye exam with my eye doc. I would think if I can hit a baseball I would have depth perception but for reasons unknown I could not pass that test. I am hoping there is something I am doing wrong during the test and do not have an actual deficiency of some sort,
  11. Just wondering if there any RPA pilots here who have a Depth Perception waiver? Had issues passing the test at my flight phys. and am wondering if this will slow down the process of getting into OTS or if it will have any impact on my journey? Any intel/advice will be greatly appreciated!
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