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Everything posted by VMFA187

  1. We did it in the Hornet in the RAG/FTU and fleet to show that you could bring back another aircraft through bad weather that didn't have the ability to ability to navigate or fly safely on its own due to aircraft malfunctions like a failed INS/GPS or lack of airspeed indications due to failed sensors. I had to bring back a Hornet for a section landing once due to the latter.
  2. THIS vaccine. I don't care about the technology behind it. No knowledge of future complications exist because of the rush to get it to market. If you are comfortable with that, cool - Take it and be happy. Why do you feel compelled to force others to have to take it? I believe in gun ownership but I'm not forcing everyone to have one in their home.
  3. That's how long a typical vaccine takes to get past the requirements to be deemed safe for use.
  4. 10 years of research, like any other vaccine. And transparency - Release those documents that they want 55 years to review before it is released to the public.
  5. 1. So it is harmful? Thank you. And you can make that statement only if peanut butter had just been invented less than a year ago and people were "unexplainably" having adverse reactions and. Peanut butter has been around for quite some time so we know there are no long-term adverse effects. 2. Not an answer to my question. By how much does it have to lower your odds to actually be a "vaccine?" 3. Not an answer to my question. Thanks for only answering one of my questions and side-stepping the others. "Alot" and "tiny" are also very useful numbers. Appreciate the thoughtful response. /sarcasm I have received the flu vaccine twice in the four years since I've departed active duty. It is well-established. I'll wear your down votes as a badge of honor from here on out!
  6. Am I not understanding this correctly? I was just browsing the 2022 tax brackets and found it terrible that in the 35% and 37% bracket married couples are taxed far more harshly than those who are single. Bracket / Single / Married Filing Jointly 35% $215,950 to $539,900 $431,900 to $647,850 37% $539,900 or more $647,850 or more So two people who live together and share a life together, but are not married can make $1,079,7999 together and not enter the 37% tax bracket. Yet at $647,850 a married couple enters the 37% tax bracket? Is that correct? What does that say about this administration and the democratic party? Any thoughts on why this is happening?
  7. @pawnman, you gave me a minus for this statement. Does the vaccine have side effects that we know about that are harmful? Does it prevent people from catching covid? Does it prevent people from spreading covid? Answer those questions and then tell me why you think that statement is deserving of a down vote.
  8. Do you always tell people their thoughts and reality? Dude, get a grip on reality. Why would they not be able to release data on the "vaccine" for 55 years? Sounds super sketch. You don't think so? They skipped several steps in the typical vaccination approval process and got it approved in 10% of the time of a typical vaccine - How does that not make you question this whole situation?
  9. Pawnman, do you personally know or do you think anyone knows exactly what the long-term effects of this vaccine are?
  10. I concur. That being said, it's about the same as saying "The vaccine is safe and effective."
  11. I have lost friends over my decision not to get a vaccine. Though to be fair, I do live in California. 😆
  12. There are potentially significant effects that we may not know about for years because how rapidly the vaccine was approved. Several steps were skipped during the process - Effects on cancer, potential for birth defects, etc... And the survival rate for a healthy person is far above a flat 99%. How can you trust the people who have been making these decisions when there is zero transparency, they have no accountability, they have downright lied and changed their stance on multiple issues several times, and they don't want to release data for something like 60 years? I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona if you're looking...
  13. The Left makes and plays by their own rules and standards and are hypocrites without peer. Remember, X & Y chromosomes aren't sciences.
  14. Concur. Anyone, regardless of political affiliation, who is linked should be investigated.
  15. We, both our military and our nation, are weaker now than we've been since I've been alive. That is not to degrade our warfighters - We've been betrayed by politicians and the media. As a nation we have never been more divided and as a fighting force we've been out-procured by our biggest threat to a degree not fathomable in the past.
  16. You are an idiot. Like, legitimately fucking stupid. As, I'm assuming, an officer, how can you be so blind?
  17. Fear has embraced you. Let us hope that most are not like you.
  18. Fuck those expecting healthy people to take a vaccine that works marginally at best and which we have absolutely no knowledge of the potential long term, adverse effects. Its been out for what, not even a year? Most vaccines don't come to market for 8-10 years ... This has made it to market in months.
  19. It is not my responsibility to subsidize other people's poor decisions or years lived. If they want to get the vaccine to protect them, amazing! Go for it, I don't care. But why are you forcing others to get it who don't need it? The vaccine "works" you say, right? Then why are others being forced to take it or risk losing the ability to care for their family, attend school, etc...? Shouldn't they be protected according to your viewpoint?
  20. I think you're giving the average American a lot more credit than you probably should.
  21. It's hard to win when your opponent plays by an entirely difference set of rules.
  22. Like every organization in the MSM?
  23. Why are you pro-mandate for the military? It is one of the least at-risk populations in the world.
  24. Curious what our resident democrats on the board have to say about this. You know who you are. If you voted for this administration explain what you think about its direction.
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