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  1. Thanks! Good to know I might have the option to stay in.
  2. Any Prior E Majors out there from the 2004/2005 year groups? Or friends of? What did AFPC offer you when passed over for Lt Col x 2 & at 20 yes complete? I’m trying to predict what type of continuation (or lack of) I’ll be offered soon. If it’s only 20 TAFMS (Total Active Fed Military Service) I’ll be retiring since I’m already there. If it’s 20 or 24 commissioned, I’ll have a big decision to make.
  3. Can’t they offer you continuation to 24 yrs commissioned? That’s the High Year Tenure & since you are prior E, that could be a long time. I’m at 20 total (15Off + 5Enl) & I’m trying to figure out what they will offer. Probably 20 total, then I’ll say I’m already there, then I’ll wait 6 months for them to screw it up & offer me 20 again. 24 years commissioned would be another 9 years for me. No thanks. Also, I’m pretty sure they are going to recoup the unused portion of the bonus. Ex: get $30k on July 1, retire on Jan 1, half the year=recoup half the money.
  4. “Assuming the AF doesn’t go to a 5 year eligibility window next year” Did it go to a 5 year? How does this change continuation that is in the AFI in order to comply with 10 USC 632? Is the AF no longer offering continuation? You are just automatically still in? Or do promo boards just no longer see that you didn’t make it x2, that way you have a better chance the third time? I’m a prior E Major at 20, about to get passed over for the second time. I assume they will offer me continuation, that I can decline (if desired) and be retired NLT the 1st day of the 7th month after the board released. This would break my PCS ADSC. Sorry about the font size, my exec skills are weak.
  5. This is inspiring. Thanks. That settles it...retire ASAP, apply airlines (particularly Cargo) & for VRRAD as a back up. -Caveman
  6. Any updates on VRRAD slots or experiences? I’m on active duty (current heavy IP) with over 19 years in....Airlines are not looking promising. I can’t just hang out on active & hope the AF doesn’t hammer me (2.5 years deployed Mideast, but no 365). I was thinking I’d retire, & as soon as the retire orders are produced, apply for VRRAD to do the exact same flying job I’m already doing. Possible? Caveman
  7. I don't understand how the big blue can seriously lock folks in for 20 as Majors. Title 10 law states you will be discharged if you fail to make rank, unless offered continuation, which the member can decline. AFI also reflects this (but don't expect MPF to explain this to you). 10 U.S. Code § 632 - Effect of failure of selection for promotion: "each officer of the Air Force, on the active-duty list who holds the grade of major, who has failed of selection for promotion to the next higher grade for the second time and whose name is not on a list of officers recommended for promotion to the next higher grade shall be discharged".
  8. Enlisted Pilots? We already have a program where motivated E's can become pilots, it's called OTS. It works too. I know because I'm one of them. If an E thinks going to college while working is too tough....then pilot training will be impossible.
  9. I don't get it. Rand study says $60k needed, AF asks for $48k, NDAA authorizes $35, but AF decides on $25k?Is this the final answer? I'm glad the passed over dudes have the option to stay in. Can't expect personnel staff to follow personnel memos.
  10. I thought the days of blatantly screwing people out of a retirement were over (due to pilot shortage). Guess not.
  11. How many years did he have in?
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong; but if you get passed over twice, you have to be out in 6 months, unless in sanctuary or offered continuation (which you can decline). You have 2 months to decline & then you revert to being out in 6 months or forced retire at 20 (if in sanctuary). These are mandatory separation dates are spelled out in US Code Title 10 & AFI reflects it. Manditory Sep dates overrules the bonus commitment, PCS & requal commitments. It's like an involuntary discharge.
  13. ^^ THIS What is the new bonus policy & when will it be released? All talk, no action. If pilots used bureaucracy/lack of support as an excuse, planes would never get off the ground. Why can't they get anything done in a timely manner? Maybe they need 5 more working groups to discuss the meeting schedule, approved acronym list & appropriate letterhead.
  14. Any word on FY17 bonus timeline? Considering Congressional budget issues, AF only takes 1/2 the blame for being 8 months into the FY w/ no policy. $35k was in the NDAA, but I've never seen anything official from the AF. My UPT ADSC is almost up, I'm eligible to start outprocessing this summer. WTF
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