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Don Frank

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Everything posted by Don Frank

  1. We all know how the Air Force feels about the C-27...
  2. On the general topic of CAS, I think it would be smart to keep CAS specific airframes in the inventory (A-10 or something new). An article I read did a great job of explaining that if we get rid of these CAS specific aircraft, then we'll lose the CAS community with it. Sure there are other airframes that can do it, but they focus on many other skill sets as well. If we start purging ourselves of a CAS-minded community, then we'll basically repeat the mistakes of post-WWII and have to relearn it all once another major conflict/operation springs out of nowhere. Too bad CAS has always taken a back seat to the other glamorous missions tasked to the Air Force throughout the years.
  3. Good point, I'm thinking too in terms of conventional conflict. Even this is all different from the counterinsurgency of early OEF/OIF.
  4. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/usaf-air-combat-command-chief-skeptical-over-new-air-428185/ It seems like the norm lately is for senior leadership to avoid any sort of CAS that puts the fliers in danger, even AAA/shoulder launched SAMs, as if all CAS is suddenly highly contested and high tech equipment is the only option in the lower-end fight. I understand the desire to keep crews safe, but what happened to taking risks to kill enemies and break shit? This all happening as we supply the Afghan Air Force with A-29s.
  5. Knowing Russia, it's hard to believe that they weren't in Turkish airspace at all or had such a navigational mistake that prevented them from heeding 10 warning.
  6. Which base are you headed to? Also, any info on typical RNLTD and class starts for new LTs out of ROTC?
  7. Does anyone have any insight or solid information on more recent trends with UPT EAD/class start dates for each base?
  8. I've been working in Rosslyn for a few months and living in Springfield. The area is decent to live in but the commute can really suck sometimes, unless you carpool using the HOV lane.
  9. Whether or not you do well in ROTC is based almost entirely on your own performance in the program, regardless if you're prior enlisted or cross town. The education benefits might be useful though if you enlist, but you still have a chance to get an ROTC scholarship out of high school or early in college, so keep that in mind too. There's no one path that can guarantee a slot either.
  10. I'm curious how the US view of China changes after each large scale hacking or data breach that occurs, whether or not China is really responsible. I'm sure the OPM breach might have changed some people's opinions.
  11. By the sound of it, the 4 years of service is a general requirement to receive government matching funds. If you opt in and already have over 4 years, you should should get matching TSP funds.
  12. So it sounds like we're moving in the right direction then. Even so, Kaiser still seems to have been wrongfully fired and the culture is such that these firings can still happen at the rate they have been.
  13. https://www.jqpublicblog.com/curbing-wrongful-termination-in-the-air-force-four-common-sense-reforms/ I've been hearing a lot more lately about a lot of the toxic leadership problems in the Air Force and a few victims of wrongful firings. Thoughts on the content of the post and topic? Has anyone seen or hear about this happening to someone they know?
  14. I'm not too familiar with how reserve pilot slots are given out, but your numbers aren't bad at all. I got a pilot slot through ROTC with a 62 PCSM, zero flight hours, a 3.5 GPA and a shitty FT ranking. If people recommending you have great things to say, that'll hopefully seal the deal.
  15. https://ec.militarytimes.com/static/pdfs/Retirement-Reform-Info-Paper.pdf According to the DoD white paper on the proposed retirement plan, "All members serving on the day before the effective date of the new retirement system will be 'grandfathered' into the current system, but will also have the opportunity to “opt-in” to the new, blended retirement system. All service members must opt-in within 2 years of the effective date of the new system." This sounds like it applies to all service members, regardless if they're active or reserve, just as long as they're in the service before 1 Jan 18. Of course, the defense bills aren't final yet and the white paper is only DoD's own recommendations at this point, but the direction this new retirement system is going has been getting clearer this month. We'll see how everything unfolds.
  16. What have been the general trends for class drops? For example, how many UPT students generally get fighter, mobility, etc.?
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