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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Thank you.
  2. For those of you who have experience with intercepts, I am very curious to know what the process and rules are at any given time when being intercepted or intercepting. Obviously is a very fluid situation, but I would think there is a general guideline to follow. Recently there seems to be more media coverage on intercepts (which I am sure is a very small amount to how many there really are), but I think it is a fascinating action. Also, thank you for your service and keeping us safe!!! RT
  3. Not sure if you filmed/edited this, but good god its awesome. No question that this video goes in my TOP 3! Well done!
  4. Praying for the pilot!
  5. From what you both have said it sounds like just anything else in this world. If I understand the points you both made; its like people trying to get into a particular college or colleges. Said college(s) don't just accept the top of the top, they accept based on various attributes....race, gender, credentials, money, legacy...to achieve a certain criteria.
  6. Thanks.
  7. Between aircraft, should have specified.
  8. Hey all! I was curious to know if there was any information regarding hand signals and what they mean, specially while in the cockpit. I can't seem to find much information.
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