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TacoJohn last won the day on February 15 2013

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    Oakland, California

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  1. 1. Jethro Tull. -Live at Madison Square Garden 2. Anything with Catherine McCormack 3. Airwolf season 2. That is all. Annual baseops.net post complete. Seeya. -TJ.
  2. Dog gets its own parachute………..keep the volume down unless you want a migraine… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VexhRG_8hOw
  3. Sum Ting Wong? https://www.cnn.com/2014/03/07/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-plane-missing/index.html
  4. A couger that smells like and... simply intoxicating....................
  5. Bummer when your cover blows up. Link https://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123356118
  6. Convert to anti bullying/ motivational thread? Whatever the case may be.....if you really want the rotary wing mission you'll get it. Suggest you watch inside combat rescue. Stop referencing your personal history. Good luck.
  7. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM................................
  8. Apparently this happened two days ago. Fake? But then again I've heard of stranger things happening in Mexico.
  9. "2 grand is not enough to get that kind of work done right...you get what you pay for" Roger that Homeboy......Who knew a used car salesman would have his finger on the pulse of current Assassin Market rates.
  10. "Air Force: because you gots to get paid bro"
  11. Reserve dude here currently in T 1's whose sponsoring unit is "forecasted" to be closed. I have a feeling alot of dudes will be looking for jobs at other units in the near future. Wondering If it's a good idea to "pitch the switch" to my sponsoring unit while in upt. Really don't want to be that guy, but I also don't want to be left without a chair when the music stops either. Thoughts?
  12. Uhhhhhhhhhh........What?
  13. That's what happens when you smoke crack and put icy hot on your balls before a campaign speech.
  14. I was recently asked to write a Letter of Recommendation for the first time....I ended up here and now I am resurrecting this thread. I can't put enough emphasis on this. I feel that Knowing your job inside and out and executing your duties and responsibilities in a competent manner is an excellent way to mentor a younger generation. At my first unit this style of mentorship took precedence over the occasional chit chat, beer etc. However there is always a fine line between education and indoctrination....... As a young typical enlisted dude (TED?) I made it a point to seek out mentorship. When I took up the subject with my supervisor, he then proceeded to tell me that I should emulate the actions of those who excelled in the squadron and that I was in a "self managed" career field and that it would be unwise to go looking for a "Dad". Needless to say I labeled my supervisor somewhat of a dick after our little "mentoring session" and I sought advice from others in the squadron in regards to PME, testing for SSgt etc., only to receive the same reply..."your career should be self managed" Well this was all great, as I became somewhat of a self reliant chap, but I felt the leadership could have done a better job at mentoring the younger folks..and my experience seems to be consistent with others in this thread in that mentorship was almost nonexistent in regards to an actual sit down one on one chat with a mentor in which a legitimate exchange of goals and aspirations actually took place......something that needs to happen IMO.
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