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  1. Glad to hear an update, thanks.
  2. The 113th closed their application window on 1/31. I can't find any word on when they anticipate to hold a board or send out invites. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. Yea, just knock out the two hours and get the review done.
  4. Might not be the best place to ask, but would anyone mind chatting with me quick about the process for grabbing a reserve (both unsponsored and sponsored) slot? I've primarily focused ANG and have a good grasp on that process, but I'm still wondering about the reserve process. Appreciate any insight. I'm a non-prior, btw.
  5. Is that actually koshier/expected for FW interviews?
  6. Yea seems like another hump in the application process that's there to separate those who really *want* it versus those who think it's just cool or w/e their reason may be. That being said, it is an obvious sign of interest and commitment to the field so get it if you can, you might learn more about yourself and what you really want to do along the road. For me obtaining my PPL is what really triggered my pursuit of flying with the military. Before, flying for the military just seemed like a childhood dream.
  7. Where did you interview? If ya don't mind my asking.
  8. Not to change the subject, but anyone here fly in the 113th? As for living, I'm an Arlington native so it comes highly recommended. Affording it is a different story, however, there is affordable housing near the Columbia Pike and Route 50 (Arlington Blvd) sections. Only problem is you miss the proximity to metro (that's why it's affordable) and your saddled by 395 which sucks ass. Crystal city is good as well. I've taken metro to Andrews before back when the Joint Ops Airshows were more frequent and it seems reasonable. I think Alexandria is best at the moment for affordable living and comfort, not sure about public transportation options.
  9. I haven't seen it explicitly mentioned by the few units I've glanced at so I was unaware. That makes the decision easy. Thanks.
  10. I hold a PPL and as such was required to get a third class medical. However, as someone interested in pursuing a career in military aviation I understand I'm going to have to pass more rigorous physical test and screenings. Would getting a first class medical prior to any board dates/interviews be worthwhile? I suppose it would at least show I can past the more strenuous civilian tests.
  11. Is UPT your end goal? Seems a bit backward. UPT is 54 weeks of your life, what do you after is a lot longer. Maybe I misinterpreted you though.
  12. Man from U.N.C.L.E was looking good, not worth the ticket price?
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