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  1. SNAP - thanks for the info i really appreciate it, based on reading here and in other resources think i might open up to Air guard as well, Michigan (my home state) seems to have a few spots and more flying units to try for an age waiver. Next step is talking with a recruiter!
  2. Ok, so i figured this was the best place to post this, as it is not related to the pilot field. I am currently a 33 yo looking to join the AF reserve. I have 8 years prior service army (military police 31B) and a bach degree. I was intrested in joing AF or Navy as a flier back in high school - but was scared off by a recruiter (go figure) because i had glasses (which i was told was a 100% no go - now i know better). Should i even attempt to go for a rated position? Have found very little info regarding CSO selection specifically and age as most info out there relates to pilots. Thanks in advance for your time and info.
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