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Everything posted by Flyman

  1. If you're a good contributor to the unit, is the guard/reserve pretty good at working with you around significant life events? i.e what if you have a deployment scheduled around the same time as the birth of a child?
  2. How about once you are in TR status? Much better on the family I assume?
  3. Is this guaranteed for every reserve commuter or is it dependent on funding available?
  4. Any advice for the wife who is not looking forward to time away from home but supportive? How do you make family number 1 and not piss them off too?
  5. What about seasoning AD orders. Are you likely to get on most trips? Or still depends?
  6. On AD orders do you still get a say in the trips you go on or is it just like AD where you go where they tell you..?
  7. I assume seasoning orders are AD orders? Do you get BAH for your HOR or unit location while on AD orders?
  8. Is that including hotels?
  9. Hahah. But in all seriousness, running drop missions on the homefront? Running supplies overseas? Medical evac?
  10. What role do you see the 130 playing globally in the next 5-10 years?
  11. What are the beans for the herk? How many days a month do you need to knock them out?
  12. If you had a choice between a Reserve C-130J squadron or KC-46 squadron and location wasn't a factor, what would you choose?
  13. What is the training like after OTS for officer positions in the reserves (non-rated positions) ? Is there a tech school for officers?
  14. Is this the same for reserves?
  15. How is the family life balance for those that have a normal 9-5 job and commute to a heavy reserve/guard squadron?
  16. Thanks guys for the responses. Not sure which base I'll be at yet but will start looking at nearby airports. At least I'll be able to bring one girl with me to UPT... the other one can't be moved quite as easily 😂
  17. Wondering if there is time on the weekends during UPT to fly my own plane? I would prefer it not sit in storage for a whole year so trying to figure out what to do with it. Also would flying General Aviation at the same time hinder training in any way?
  18. Okay, so should be hearing soon..
  19. Yeah 30 days after they make selections.
  20. I'm not sure what the actual date of the July board was but I was told you hear approx 30 days after..
  21. Well dang that's a bummer. You dont lose banked Annual or Sick leave while you're on extended LWOP right?
  22. Do you still accrue Annual leave while taking Military Leave? I guess the idea behind taking annual leave to get in a pay status during a holiday pay period was that I could get a free 8 hrs of LH (holiday leave) at my GS rate, which is a lot higher than an O1 rate. Sounds like that may not work though from your experience?
  23. I am a current federal GS employee and will be going to OTS/UPT for the reserves. I plan on coming back to the govt job after transitioning to a part time reservist after seasoning. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips/tricks on maximizing the benefits while in training (i.e. how to clock/use Military leave, annual leave, and LWOP strategically your advantage)? Examples: Should you mix LWOP with annual leave? Use all banked annual leave at once so you earn more time off? Use a little annual leave every pay period so you're always in a pay status? Be in a pay status in pay periods with holidays? Etc? Hoping somone on here has previous experience with this and would be willing to provide some insight. Thanks!
  24. For the reserve boards they are requiring an FC1 before submitting now. My FC1 is only 1.5 weeks before the application due date so I'm crossing my fingers that I get my Fc1 stamped in time.
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