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Day Man

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Everything posted by Day Man

  1. CRF...great dividend, solid holdings
  2. Different pots of money!
  3. Bolded 2 reasons for you.
  4. try giving them your real name instead of your BODN moniker...might help them locate your account.
  5. And good luck getting the contractors in y timezones to operate that shit at 0:darkthirty without a $$$ contract rewrite.
  6. to them
  7. Devil's Advocate: people said that about Welsh too... (I know he's an upgrade from his predecessor, just unable to affect change.)
  8. upvoted for being "really drunk."
  9. Day Man

    Gun Talk

    got a 9mm compensated barrel for my G23...just need a G19 mag now. Hope it works as good as it looks.
  10. Totally agreed.
  11. Day Man

    Gun Talk

    Sounds like a move reserved for the most formidable of ladies.
  12. Where's Finance Guy been? That guy's the tits.
  13. Relevant, because people get to pick where they're sent/staged from.
  14. I speak jive... "Are there any watch aficionados (that fly in Martin-Baker equipped aircraft) who encounter crewmembers who are hesitant to fly with them.?"
  15. You should be fine.
  16. Team, I recently got a job with a non-profit (Hire Heroes USA) helping vets, transitioning service members, and their spouses/caregivers find employment. Shoot me a PM if you're in this demographic; I'm confident we can help you.
  17. And for every General Chang, there are 10 officers shirking their primary duties to plan holiday parties and increase their bros' work load. Unless you want to impress us all with your amazing credentials, stop belittling others service and recognize there's a problem.
  18. While I agree it is unwise to carry a lot of debt, you probably lost money with this plan. Debt free doesn't always equal most fiscally advantageous. Also, it sounds like you're assuming people with multiple credit cards have a lot of debt; that's not always true. The Amex Platinum requires that you pay it off each month. Considering it was free, that thing paid for itself in one sitting at an airport lounge with an open bar.
  19. A Roth vs traditional has no effect on your gains, just how it's taxed (current vs future, respectively). The market has historically outperformed other investment vehicles (bonds, CDs, etc), but has also had its rough spots (2008). An actively managed fund (like VTIVX) will automatically adjust your holdings to account for a decreasing amount of risk as you near your target retirement date.
  20. Day Man

    Gun Talk

    still 9mm...wtf?
  21. "Hi sir/ma'am. My name is Chris. FYSA, I identify with X gender." "Ok, Chris. Do your job, adhere to those standards, and let me know if anyone gives you shit. Welcome to the squadron." Would you honestly tell your commander you are now identifying as a woman to take an easier PT test? GMAFB.
  22. the way I understood it was they could/would do a LODD.
  23. Thanks for not answering my questions... Who is being bent in what way? What's the problem? I would agree.
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