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  1. Wisconsin Gov. Evers demanded the resignation of Maj. Gen. Dunbar of the WI Guard. Full report is also linked in the article. https://waow.com/2019/12/09/wisconsin-guard-leader-to-make-changes-after-assault-probe/
  2. Replay of the live view from news crew: Just awful.
  3. When I was at UPT over the last year, I was allowed to use the same contacts I wore as a civilian since I met all the vision standards and had been wearing them for greater than six months. They were actually pretty willing to put me in the contact lens program. (Currently wearing Acuvue Oasys for OP’s sake.)
  4. Not to be a jerk, but you’ll need to consider retaking the AFOQT. Majority of competitive fighter applicants have 90s across the board, not just in the Pilot category.
  5. Considering I was someone who went through the interview circuit and was successfully picked up by a fighter unit, I’m pretty confident I have a better grasp on the the whole process than you do. When I say that getting a Master’s helps, guess what, it worked for me. Also, I know exactly what UPT is like, and I can say without a doubt it’s far more rigorous than most Master’s degrees. There’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to better themselves or what they can bring to the table. If that calls for getting a Master’s then yeah, let him go get it to offset his low undergrad GPA. He’ll make it work if he wants to interview badly enough.
  6. And you know all of this how? Seems like in another thread you’re still very green in the interview process, but I digress... I 100% disagree on the part to not get a Master’s. I, too, had a low undergraduate GPA, but I offset that with a high GPA for my Master’s. You will need the degree later on to promote, so why not go ahead and get it done? If that makes someone “lose focus” during the interview process, then UPT probably wasn’t cut out for them anyway.
  7. Contrary to the opinion above, I would recommend retaking the AFOQT. Most fighter apps will have higher scores across the board, so getting those up will only certainly help. It’s one less thing in your application to have to “explain”, at least.
  8. Not at all. I was an alternate a couple of times before getting picked up on the following interview.
  9. I’m Guard, so I reported in 10 days out from my class start date. The guys in my class that moved off had been on casual status for several months and were subsequently asked if they wanted to do so. You could probably ask and see if you could move off, but the convenience of being on base wasn’t worth pocketing $300-400 a month to me. Your call at the end of the day.
  10. When I went through earlier this year, it sounded like it was pretty common for AD to wait 1-1.5 years to go
  11. I’m currently at Columbus on the new syllabus and was an OTS grad. You’ll report and should definitely make UOQs your first stop once you stop by the transition office to get your checklist. Two of dorm buildings are under renovation, so rooms are a bit of a premium at the moment. It’s first come, first serve, and the sooner you can get your name on the list, the better. It only took me five days from inprocessing to getting a room, though.
  12. Most units do not require you to be enlisted at the same unit, and yes, you definitely pay your own way. Folks that are serious enough about interviews will always find a way to make it work out. The rest of the info you’re looking for can be found be searching around different threads, most notably the standard interview questions thread.
  13. Do you really want to take that chance? Do both if you’re unsure.
  14. To give a little more advice than already provided, you do need to study. If you do not have enough time to do your best on the dates coming up, then you should consider waiting until after your deployment since you only get two shots at both. The material for the AFOQT is not hard, but I studied for over a month to be able to get the timing down to where it was second nature to know how long I could spend on a problem before having to move on. If you think you can crush it after doing a few timed practice tests, then go for it. For the TBAS, there isn't much to study, but you can find helpful tips just by searching around the internet.
  15. Real talk, you don't want to be here in Alabama in June haha
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