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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Just curious how Tricare has affected the calculus whether to stay in for people you’ve known? Coming into my eligibility year, free medical care to EFMP dependents >> bonus money, but that’s my $0.02. This is the only reason I’m staying in. My kid has gone through some medical issues (everything is fine now) but I don’t want to worry about in the future.
  2. Thanks for sharing. I'm so screwed for my IPZ next year... Sent from my SM-G965U using Baseops Network mobile app
  3. I took a 6 year bonus, was paid for 5. I commissioned 4 years into it and had to pay back 1 year.
  4. Take the bonus. I took a re-enlistment bonus and commission before the bonus ended. Just keep in mind that big blue will take their money back eventually. Took almost 3 years before they took it from my check, but thanks to big blue I had a 3 year no interest loan.
  5. I'd sell my wife for $100k
  6. So I called them again (different shoe answered) and asked him to explain the JTR chapter 6 para 5434..."adequete" for a family of 5. Needless to say I got my non A.
  7. I'm PCSing soon and TLF only has 1 bedroom available. They claim that my family of 5 will fit because they have an air mattress for us to use (free of charge). I asked for a non A but was denied. Does anyone know where the new JTR will tell me if it is my right to get a non A? If no non A is given can I still get reimbursed $60 a day for finding a better place? I'd be happy to pay a little out of pocket to not give Air Force inns my business. Sent from my iPad using Baseops Network Forums
  8. Pretty darn good
  9. Where did you find that?
  10. I was told months ago that I was released. I flew C-130s.
  11. I've been released back to MAF. We will see what happens now
  12. What is going on with the mandatory on base at Holloman for RPA students? Is this still going on? Is there a way to live off base?
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