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Polar Bear

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Everything posted by Polar Bear

  1. Check out the Army Aviation version of this site and they would agree. They would agree. https://www.reddit.com/r/Armyaviation/
  2. Good thing we have Elon’s drones to protect us.
  3. How long is UPT for heavy flyers, 5 months?
  4. Wow, good info. Was that the 2011 or 2020 deployment? I didn’t think any of the Apache guard units deployed much. Do the other guard units have a better reputation?
  5. Would like to hear your thoughts on why you dislike the Utah AH unit. Over on the Army Aviation version of this they have a high rating.
  6. Didn’t know hill or any fighter reserve units hire off the street.
  7. UT Ang doesn’t have fighters.
  8. Why don’t you think you will get promoted on the second try?
  9. Are those hours required or is there that much work that needs to be done daily?
  10. Let me find it. It was mentioned in the article about the delivery to Portland.
  11. I just read the Guard could be adding WSO’s with the new F-15. What a world we live in.
  12. Did you continue in the guard/reserves?
  13. Are those work hours the same in the guard? How much of those hours are actually related to flying vs queep?
  14. Working 60 hours a week sounds awful. Burnout has to be high.
  15. What is happening on BO. Positive posts about the AF. Wow, I don’t even know what to say. The now banker who was scared off after posting he got an AD slot might be a pilot now if he posted a few years later.
  16. You live local and don’t bid reserve to get paid to sit in your underwear.
  17. When do these furloughs start? I thought DAL was still hiring. i don’t remember AA furloughing during COVID. I thought the early retirements worked.
  18. Do they still have to work nights and weekends on T10 orders?
  19. How do you deploy if you don’t do the carrier?
  20. True. The Navy/Marine peeps on Airwarriors are so much happier for whatever reason.
  21. Might want to Fresno before sending an application in.
  22. There is a lawyer in Texas that will get you a 100% VA rating guaranteed. I’m not saying that is the best route but know if 2 Army buds who thought their percentage should be higher and called him. Under $5k for his service and worth it.
  23. Wonder if DC will try and pick up the pilots.
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