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Everything posted by sab245

  1. Thanks ptwob408 - great info. You remained humble yet you have every right to be proud of yourself for making that situation work. I'll PM you soon.
  2. Right, that was my idea of what constituted trained assets, but the person with whom I spoke at the SG office said that would have included scholarship ROTC cadets who had successfully completed Field Training and entered the Professional Officer Corps. Thanks Blue for the advice on learning the specific reg, I may ask for that when I get the chance. Anyway, I didn't intend to derail the thread on to the topic of general medical waivers. Any more thoughts or advice to expand my understanding of ETP's would be appreciated.
  3. Thanks for the reply, Blue. It's helpful for sure. As hesitant as I am to say that Deaddebate is wrong, I can't see how it's possible any other way. I got D'qued, I appealed with more information, and was told it was just not waiverable. I have a form from AETC saying disqualified for "Factor v Leiden thrombophilia". I even got in touch with someone in the SG office at the Pentagon and they verified it. I'm sure Deaddebate said that for good reason, but I have not found anyone who backs that up yet. I believe it's waiverable for " trained assets", I.e. ROTC juniors or seniors who have gone through field training. Maybe this is the point of confusion. I made my det aware of Congressional support from my home state's senator by way of a short letter of recommendation/endorsement. My commander was told that this was not enough however. As far as GPA, that is a great question that I am not sure about. It may have been an excuse, I really don't know. I was not told of anything changing as far as ROTC ETP. "Thanks for trying, but don't come back" was the impression I got.
  4. Thoughts anyone?
  5. Never said thank you deaddebate - so ... thank you for your reply last month! I appreciate it. It turns out that it was disqualifying with no chance for waiver. This came straight out of the horse's mouth. Maybe you were just thinking of some other thrombophilia, deaddebate? It definitely ended my AFROTC career and a rebuttal failed as well. I also reached out to A/NROTC and was told the same thing, any thoughts on why that would be the case? I have some questions on ETP's, but don't want to derail this thread in case someone else wants to add something. So I just posted those on the ETP thread here, please help me out if you can, thanks.
  6. As some of you may have seen from my post over a month ago, I was disqualified from Yale's AFROTC program due to a Factor V Leiden (blood coagulation disorder) disqualification. I started the ETP process, got my Senator's backing and written endorsement and whatnot, but still got shut down at the detachment level. My GPA is not great at the moment, and that was the reason (the only reason, actually) given for not starting the process. I had great in-corps experience, high PFT scores, and high standardized test scores but even one component was enough to stop it. I have basically accepted that I will never serve, but I am not going to do so fully until I've tried every avenue first. I've read this entire thread and tried to read the supporting AFI's, but I still have a couple of questions about ETP's, which, aside from a change in medical policy, are probably my last options: Are medical ETP's really only for ROTC cadets/Rated Applicants coming through OTS? Could a medically disqualified OTS applicant (with no intention of going rated) try and start a process for a Medically-related ETP or would they just get that shut down? It seems like all mention of ETP's relates to UPT or flying duties. So, what about other, random AFSC's, like Chaplain, JAG, Medical Professionals, or even enlisted personnel? If they have a disqualifying medical condition could they request an ETP as they try to go through accessioning, or is there no precedent for medical ETP's outside of rated career areas? Hopefully that makes sense. If not I will be happy to rephrase. I'm basically asking whether an ETP is still possible for me outside of the ROTC-ETP route, assuming the only problem with the original ETP, GPA, is corrected. Thanks in advance.
  7. So... I hate to (re)necro a thread, but I think I'm going to. I'm an AFROTC cadet at Yale, or at least I was one up until a month ago. I had some routine blood work done (for vitamin deficiency, omega-3 level, etc). Inadvertently, I was told I had Factor V Leiden, mentioned above^. I reported this to my det, didn't think much of it, but then cam back as Disqualification without potential for a waiver. I have been scrambling to find a solution to this mess (even trying to get the ETP process going, in vain). Is factor v leiden (heterozygously inherited) supposed to be PDQ? All the Wright Pat waier guides seem to show it as a 'reversible risk factor' with AETC waiver potential. So, what gives? Was my DQ a mistake possibly? Thanks
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