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Inertia17 last won the day on September 30 2024

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  1. It seems like they are trying to walk the line of having bodies in place in time for iron, and not having them sit waiting on Boeing and Airbus to unfornicate themselves. Here's hoping that happens sooner rather than later.
  2. Thanks Southwest...
  3. Until the T-6 goes away... That's going to be a big jump to make.
  4. Yeah, feeding TDS troll. But since you like context in videos, what were the words he said just prior to the gestures? "My heart goes out to you" The irony of accusing others of not having original thought while repeating 'talking points' from the left is not lost on me.
  5. Since "out of context photos" are apparently open, here is one for you Go-Around. Suggest you do exactly that, and try that one again.
  6. T-7 isn't even close to fielding 6 years after the contract was signed, when we had flyable jets available (T-50, T-346) out the gate. I'm not sure we can do anything quickly in acquisitions.
  7. Second all of this. I have had it (Model 3 LR AWD) a few years and all I have done is put washer fluid in it, and it's still entertaining every time I put the pedal down. Also, if you care about safety, the collision warning has saved my ass more than once (mirror check with sudden stop in front). Highly recommend on the same conditions above.
  8. Be careful what you wish for...
  9. Working on his Kamala impression I guess.
  10. Initial SGTO just finished in Austin. Round 2 just started, not sure where. This is just the beginning, some...interesting...ideas in the works right now.
  11. Isn't it amazing what can be accomplished when everyone isn't so worried about not offending people, and risk aversion instead caring more about killing bad guys and breaking their shit? What if...
  12. Second that RUMINT. WG/CC.
  13. I'll just leave this here...
  14. Are you in senior leadership? Sounds like the "we don't have a retention problem" line they are spouting right now. Counter point, IPs at Laughlin fly a crap load...but no one wants to go there (unless they married a local), and all the FAIPs who leave that assignment with 1000+ hours will all bail first opportunity.
  15. Not a rumor, memo from HAF/A3T to the UPT Wg/CCs. Mayorofrollcall (not me) on IG if you want to read it.
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