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Everything posted by Inertia17

  1. FIFY.
  2. Yeah, the rotating object on the A-10 is far more fun. And yes, two in a row for XL.
  3. Pretty sure 1 of those A-10s was an E-3.
  4. Or maybe, just maybe, he isn't a racist. And he played the cards necessary to get certain demographics to vote for him. Just a thought.
  5. Quibbling - argue or raise objections about a trivial matter. Yep, doing exactly that. Now consider for a moment, how many dudes you think will be turning up at Columbus in Sept from LA. How hard do you think it would be to figure out who you are? FAIPs love soul crushing, and they don't have much else to do where these bases are. You have already highlighted yourself. If only you hadn't missed the opportunity.
  6. That is what is called quibbling. That will not go well. Start picking your backup job, you won't make it through UPT if you don't listen.
  7. Having turned up to UPT not owning a car (sold mine prior, wife was in an accident and the other was written off), I would highly recommend avoiding it if at all possible. Often the location you end up in...will have a pretty poor car market. As far as that particular piece of advice, you will hear it more than once when you arrive at whatever base you arrive at. If you continue to question it, and the reasoning behind it, you are going to have a bad time. This thread should have stopped somewhere around post 6-9 when you had already made your decision. You continuing to antagonize, and not just shut the f*** up as suggested, will not serve you well if you make it a habit. You are going to be given feedback about everything you do, you are expected to say 'Yes Sir' and run with that advice, not debate whether it is valid. But sure, try it and see how much fun you have. Worked out great for one of the dudes in my class...
  8. O-2 at DLF drops about $160.
  9. Poor SA again. Thanks.
  10. Punk Patches are solid, we used them at DLF. Customer service from them was always great. Good to see they are finally getting a website.
  11. And now they are doing the same thing again with FY18 classes...luck and timing strike again.
  12. Inertia17

    Jeremiah Weed

    If it doesn't look like that, then it might be the new weird shit they were experimenting with.
  13. And none of this is likely to fix the manning/MX issues they are experiencing at the B course? So all these quick turn studs would have nowhere to go anyway.
  14. https://www.laughlin.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1379551/pilot-killed-in-t-38-crash-identified/ Names released.
  15. Not yet.
  16. Unsat for SA. Thanks.
  17. Any word from CBM?
  18. One of those U-28s was on the T-1 side. And the other T-38 stud got a F-15E.
  19. Not sure, it certainly surprised us when we heard about it.
  20. There was an offer at DLF of a spot to go fly Growlers to post-IFF dudes who were heading to the Viper. 3 year gig.
  21. Probably a safe bet. We went through at least 6-9 attempts for approval of ours. Would hate to offend anyone...or reference hooking rides. That never happens in UPT...
  22. Definitely glad to hear that FAIP doesn't make it impossible to go to Weapons School. A number of people had mentioned it is much more difficult being 4 years 'behind' as far as time in your MWS goes, is this true?
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