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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Not selected 89 PCSM (no PPL) 115 flight hours 81 pilot 2.9 ERAU GPA (Tech major) ETP for CSO commitment 29 Capt 3rd time applying, 1st time as a CSO Thinking that with how new I was in the squadron and therefore a crappy commanders ranking, that’s why I didn’t get picked up, plus looks like the Air Force needs CSOs right now. Congrats everyone, I’ll be back next year
  2. Wow 50 CSOs! I’m still waiting to hear, do you know how many applicants?
  3. Call them, tell them your situation. They’re usually pretty understanding
  4. Everyone got picked up last year 😉 I , too, got an ETP
  5. Where did you hear this from? Any clue on how many slots? More than last year?
  6. Hey guys; some people are having difficulty with signatures on the PDFs when combined. If you print to a pdf your signature will stay in tact when you combine PDFs. Just a helpful tip. Good luck!
  7. Question for a doc for the FC1 physical. I thought everything on my medical was fine, it’s due to the wing this week. Except i got a call saying I’ll need a waiver for passive Airsickness that I got back in CSO training. Unfortunately I’m on leave now, and i can’t come In to get checked up on. Everything on my medical except that checked out. I have never heard of this needing a waiver, crazy how a simple airsickness can bite you in the a**** does anyone have any insight or ways to get around this, or do i need to get checked out to really move forward.
  8. Anybody hear any rumors about this years board yet? I feel like there’s going to be lots of slots based on the pilot shortage, but i have nothing to confirm that.
  9. I dropped the MC130H EWO. Don’t know much about it, but I’m excited!
  10. 18-11 1xF15 2xU28 (Cannon and hurlburt) 1xEC130 1xHC130 NAV 1xMC130J (Cannon) 1xMC130H EWO (Hurlburt) 6xRC135 (5 EWO 1 NAV) 1xAWACS
  11. After much thought and discussion, after getting on the ad alternate pilot list I decided to accept a CSO slot. Though not pilot, I'm just excited to be in a rated career field flying in a plane, wearing a flight suit, and dropping bombs ;). With this being said, I've been trying to find more information, with no luck on what the future of the career field is? Are there any new jets being created with two seats. Seems like all the new jets are single seaters. Also, what should I expect when I get to Pensacola? I'm 26 so I'm hoping to live off base. Any and all information would be great! I'm really excited to actually be in a plane!
  12. Pm'ed you Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  13. Dunno what I'm going to do Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  14. I was told it's very rare, to be picked up and to consider abm or CSO Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  15. Nope, the maj in charge of the board told me Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
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