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  1. Hi All, I am currently working a waiver for a herniated disc in my low back. I had a discectomy just over 3 months ago, and was under the impression I had demonstrated the requisite stability noted in the waiver guide. I just talked with one of the flight doctors who is holding up my waiver as they are unsure as to when exactly my symptoms/back issue was stable. My previous flight doctor (who has separated) believed it was once the discectomy was complete the stability could start assuming I did not regress. This new flight doctor is unsure as to when stability will start and is holding up my waiver until she hears back from folks at ACS. Does anyone have any experience with when stability would start in this instance? Thanks for any help!
  2. I believe you have to wait 6 months to retake the TBAS (same as the AFOQT). Unfortunately, I won't be able to re-take it before the board meets . Hopefully, I've submitted a solid enough 'Whole Person' package and get selected. If not, will definitely be retaking both the TBAS and AFOQT.
  3. Thanks for the information guys. I have been focusing on getting the flying hours up to grab the next batch of points. Should at least be in the next tier by the time the selection board meets. My PCSM is only projected to jump up to 57 w/ 11hrs or more, this is realistically what I think my PCSM will be for this board. Luckily, I'm only 26 and should have ample time to submit to at least one more board without having to worry about being age critical (if not selected this round). Thanks for all of the good advice, if not selected I'll definitely complete my PPC/PPL, and work on improving my AFOQT score a bit.
  4. Good information! Is there any way to tell when the Pentagon announces how many slots will need to be filled, or is that non-public information?
  5. Great feedback and advice! Thank you
  6. Hi All, I am submitting my application for the next rated Air Force board. Let me know what you think of my chances of being selected. See the basic stats below: 26 yo Male Bachelors in International Business & Economics -3.77 GPA AFOQT - P 87 | N 95 | AA 82 | V 92 | Q 63 Flight Hours - 7.2 (Hoping to get a few more before the board meets, and will definitely have my PPL before OTS) PCSM - 52 Currently manage a team of 6 Financial Analysts at a big bank, worked my way up from an entry level role to a manager in 3 yrs. Played Soccer, Track, and Lacrosse in High School. I also played Division 1 Club Rugby all through college. Eagle Scout, and was a Section Leader within my HS marching band. Was awarded a huge scholarship, was on the deans list every semester, and graduated early from college. Have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, and several local charity races over the last few years. Only a speeding ticket, and seat belt violation on my 'criminal' record. Overall, I think I bring a ton of leadership experience to the table, a strong academic record, and a variety of extracurricular activities. One of my main concerns is with my Quantitative Score on the AFOQT, which also factors into the Pilot Score. My own fault, I ended up running out of time on the test and had to make several guesses. Thanks for the feedback!
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