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Really? How many times have You tried to sneak one pass the goalie? He just had a different take on blow jobs. it’s also CA sooo it anything goes.
Buddy of mine did this. Went AF AD to Navy reserve. C130 guy. A word of caution - his Navy unit got tagged with a one year non flying gig to somewhere in the Middle East, Bahrain?, can’t remember. Any way the unit went down the list based on seniority. He got out because he was at the top of the list and told he was going. He told me a couple of other guys got out when they were told they had to go.
CNN is reporting that her aunt died two days ago. Simone says they were pretty close. amazes me how people are so quick to judge another’s life and choices with zero knowledge.
Airlines are starting to ramp up. PreCOVID in 2019 my unit sent two guys who were 40 to UPT. if it’s what you want apply for everything AD/ANG/ARC.
My brain is a little foggy but … I remember the CSAF wanted to get rid of 8 H model squadrons. 4 so far have been publicly identified as getting Js. My unit is one of them. Sooooooo if you’re a P3 guy go to NOAA. They have great “deployments.”And they are based out of FL.
I have worked in the tanker cell and AMD in PACAF and TACC. I don’t know how or why any of the AMC crews would stay in or care about “tactics.” AMC leadership does not care. It’s not a priority. Countless times telling the line units “yhea we got a waiver to go into your training fence . . . . no I don’t care it’s a 3/4 day weekend or 4th July/Christmas/pick a holiday” The AF should just outsource everything mobility. It’s way cheaper, and the ol Russians will do anything. I’ll never forget the time I was at Shemya falls in 2003 watching the Pinkos land with an entire F15 squadrons maintenance package. They stopped for gas and vodka break on the way back to Elmo. No shit.
Why discreetly? Show police they are being recorded. Look up Pot Brothers at law on you tube. They show exactly how to talk to LEOs. just “shut the up.” that’s what I tell my kids. There is a reason to keep silent and record.
No dog in the fight. But the 480FS Wikipedia page has an awesome “Woke era to present write up.” never seen that before must be a new AF Historian.
In the words of Yakov Smirnoff- “what a country!” We serve in a military that will pay for your penis to get peeled like a banana and pushed inside you but by God you should only have tattoos in certain places. on a side note if I was the recruiter I would not put in for a waiver. COVID has saved the AFs retention problem. I canimagine the tattoo waiver- is it offensive, does it cover more than 25% of skin, when arm is raised and airmen is in long sleeve blues does it show more than 13% of said tattoo, etc.... Apologies. Couple of drinks and another absurd policy to rant on.
So through the googles I saw MI and MO are states with the 13O. Anyone know of other guard or reserve units that have added this career field? I bet states with an AOC guard unit but could only confirm two.
Anyone here use TRICARE reserve retired? I am a guard bum and will hang it up this year. I have tried calling TRICARE these past two days to get info and each time it’s “office closed call back tomorrow” after waiting in the queue for 40-50mins. I have multiple interviews lined up, so not supper worried about health care.But just want some info on TRICARE reserve retired. Like can my minor kids be on it? Is it worth it, are there major differences between reserve select and reserve retired? Thanks in advance
I’ll ad one to the PT test stories. Years ago two aviators took the mass PT test. Mind you this was at the height of the “we now will do the AD test era” in our reserve unit. Both knew they could not pass the run. The running course circles the wing HQ. Sooo they decide to cut through the HQ building ensuring a passing run time. Got caught. The 05 gets a pass and “should not have done that talk”the O2 gets paperwork. O5 made O6. O2 got out. Merica.
As far as convenience base out of ANC and head down to the Kenia peninsula. You have multiple options for spots. When the fish run it can be combat fishing and people doing suicide runs— most head to the Russian river. Shore fishing-no guide necessary-just find a spot and start to cast. combat means you are shoulder to shoulder. No shit. Suicide runs because people fish all day through the night and fish the next day. Allows for more fish in possession. But they have been up fo over 30 hours and tend to end up in head on accidents on the way home, some die, hence the name. Kasilof and Kenai rivers are prob you best bet. Most guides tend to be drift boats. However I’m sure if you want to fly fish they will accomadate. If you want to fish dolly varden or rainbows you can do that on base (you could 6 years ago when I was there) and there are plenty of streams to pull off on the side of the road and fish on your way to the kenai peninsula. I’ll reach out to my fam and friends and Pm you with a couple of guides at various spots
Which river or what part of the state are you going to fish? If your based out of Anchorage you can easily fish ship creek without a guide. Also know that some rivers you might not be able to catch Kings (check with Alaska state fisheries) which run the time of year you are planning to be there. I was stationed in Alaska (Elmo). I have family up there and multiple friends. just let me know where you plan to fish. Have you considered trolling for salmon and halibut?
Hypertension.... get with flight doc certain meds don’t require waiver if it’s only one. I’m on two for my blood pressure and it requires a waiver, that’s because I’m on two. Again check the med reg. Do it early. If you are still AD go DINF now while you still have a pay check. If you need a waiver get it done ASAP. But..... Guard/reserve could require you go through their process which is a pain. Some flt docs are terrible and keep wanting more evidence that it’s under control. So lose weight stop drinking and eat lettuce. Then get your blood pressure checked. with your date you should have enough time. But....Coronas!!!!
I recently finalized (August) my divorce. This ten years = 50% is a myth. So much goes into this calculation including the opinion of your divorce judge. 1. Get real smart on this before you get an attorney. It'll save you some coin. 2. Get an attorney who has some background with this. I was not fortunate enough to live in a military community. So my lawyer had to get educated. 3. The ex and I agreed on using third-party service to determine how much she gets of my retirement. I have been AD and ANG. The service is supposed to figure all the points/rank/marriage time to come up with a figure. 4. It was her responsibility to employ the service. She has not done that yet so maybe she just forgot. But, it is my money so I'm sure she'll remember. I also get to appeal. 5. Also, the divorce is never finalized. She took me to court, post final hearing, to claim I owed her for arrears. Mind you this was all settled at final hearing. So that was a good 600$ out of my pocket. Just get real specific in agreements and budget 10k a year for the first five years to give to your lawyer. If your lucky your lawyer might invite you to opening of his new pool and put your name on the water slide.
There are a number of non-flying, non IMA, gigs out there. I am pretty sure every AOC has a guard/reserve augment component. I was in HIANG with the 109th AOG now 202 (I think). We had a unit in St. Louis that augmented the CAF side of the house in the PACAF AOC. I know Korea and USAFE, and have a guard unit that supplements. The FLANG works the AFNORTH AOC. The commitment when I was in was one to two exercises a year. That covered your AT and UTAs. There are reserve units that supplement AFFOR Staff, the one for PACAF is out of Beal with a Det. at Hickam. Again, I know Korea has one as well and I assume every AFFOR staff has a similar reserve unit associated with it. The guys I know who do the staff gig like it because they get to go to Korea or Hawaii or Germany for a couple of weeks for an exercise, play the role of A3xxx or A5/6/7 SME, and tie in some additional "training days." Makes for a cheap vacation and gets you out of the CONUS. Plus you can always pick up random two week exercises to great places, as a PACAF guy it was the PI, Thailand, Australia, Japan etc. Just avoid the unit that pulled the short straw that supplements CENTAF, unless you like Shaw or the Died.
Rumors abound with H models in guard and reserve that pertain to "is unit getting Js or upgrades to the H models." Deployments - 120 broken in half- every 3yrs. Expectations to deploy depend on unit. Bum pilots seem to be going the way of the dodo. The pendulum has swung to airlines. Trips are unit's leadership choice. Some units fly a ton of trips some don't. If you want hours go strat airlift or tankers.
Duck, I already mentioned I am in the middle of a nasty divorce. Here is one more piece to look at that I did not see mentioned - Taxes. I have not lived at the house all last year because she refused to let me come home (I voluntarily left because she felt that was needed to "work on our marriage," I tried to come back after a while). I did not fight her on this to protect the kids. Well she dose not work - actually she went back to school for a second degree (she has one and is fluent in Spanish) and she is claiming food stamps. I don't know how this is possible. So I go to file my taxes today turns out she has claimed all the kids as dependents and I paid for everything last year. So when you get the Temporary court order also out line taxes. I went from a refund to a debt owed. Not all is lost because the IRS will work with you and understand these situations (so their website says). Now I have another time waster to add to my to do list.
Best advice I got to keep sane was from my uncle. He went through a nasty divorce. He was always there for his kids. He would tell me "it's not one day longer it's one day closer."
No problem. One more; don't mention your retirement let her ask. But get real smart on it.
That sucks. Im in the middle of a very bad one myself. My STBX just tried to sell our house without me knowing (im TDY right now). She has filed a motion to sell it and sent it to my lawyer. I now have to go to court to stop her (Ill win just another 1G down the drain). She is all over the place. Here is what you need to do: Don't move out its your house. I made this mistake. Stop Drinking until its over. Do not yell at her or touch her. She could try to get an EPO which if you lose in court gets you a DVO. You don't want to take the risk if she wants to be heard infront of the judge Lawyer up and don't be afraid to fire your lawyer mid stream Know that you are not your lawyer's priority they are balancing their practice as well; just find the best one you can that is smart. Get a Tempory Motion (or whatever they call it in Florida) immediatly for: Custudy - NEVER grant her sole custudy, get joint legal & physical Visitiation schedule and time sharing -- I travel extensivley for work I did not get one and the STBX fights me every time I want to take the kids on a trip/have them overnight. I know your lifestyle; for visitation/ timesharing get it written in that you will decide on a schedule by a certian day for the next month. Child support A staus quo agreement -- meaning no depriciation of join assests and additional joint debt. Seperate all joint accounts Cancel all joint CCs Get organized Every email/text phone call goes infront of a judge Get a phone recording app that records every call automatically Fight paying her any maintenance -- research jobs she is capable of getting to demonstrate she can make more than minimum wage. Duck I could go on and on Im 1.5yrs into this because she is unreasonable. Most important Love your kids.
Involuntary Mobilizations in the Guard/Reserves
Eli replied to FUSEPLUG's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
I suppose I was the one who stabbed the hornets nest. I did not mean to do a thread derail of the aviation bonus. It was a response to Brabus. I wanted to provide a first hand account of a guard member who had a choice of UCMJ (due to a reserve commitment) or deploy. It sucked for them. They have a high paying civilian job and does not need the BS of the guard/reserve tasking. However, in order to avoid UCMJ action, they chose to accept the action. Again you always have a choice. I have read this forum since 200? It has provided great insight. Member's views allowed me to make an informed decision to join the guard. I just wanted to provide an example of first hand knowledge of a guard guy being told you will go or UCMJ action. hindsight2020 provided the correct term of why he had to go in the Bonus thread. Their situation might be unique with timing and it may never happen again. The point is it is a tool that leadership will use, and it is an acceptable tool. That might be hard for us in the guard to accept but the reality is we can task a guard guy because of his incurred commitment he is going. The other reality I tried to highlight is that when a tasking comes down leadership can either "shortfall" (don't know if that is still the term as my UDM days are very far behind me) the position or make a list. In my unit they made a list. They made it very clear to us that if you say "no you got to go" they also made it clear to us that they will help us transition to another unit/IMA/points no pay/whatever gig we could find. But if we said no we could not come back if the guy behind us on the list took the job. Our leadership knew everyone was in a sh!t position and they were prepared to help us out. The precedent is set. This board is great and it helped me leave AD. However the Guard is becoming AD-lite. I have my opinions as to why but no solid information. -
This ongoing I know the guard has been tagged with this since '14. It is not rumor. I believe it bounces back and fourth between guard and reserve.
My info comes from the few people I know who have done it. They told me about room inspections for the particular commander at the time. They did get extended as to how long I don't remember what they told me, these guys did it in '15. I just gave you your first story of someone who had to go. Might be a rare thing due to timing but it happened. In our unit it might be coming around again and our IPs are not volunteering, nor INs, nor ILs. This hit us in '13,'17 and another might be around the corner. If it happens there will be a serious strain on our unit. But maybe someone will volunteer and their talk is just hypothetical. Although we are about to be down to only a couple of full time IPs. Every other one is an airline guy with over 20. The 9mil is tongue and cheek as there are no Navs in the Afghan community. So why is that position tasked? As far as a shoot out in the ops room it has happened and it is a reality, and they did shoot air advisors, and it was an Afghan pilot. But that was 2011 so maybe things have changed, and its just other vetted and trusted Afghans who commit insider shootings in other advisor units. Either way it is a crap program and all for naught. Their aviation will fall apart as soon as we leave, which looks to be close.